Gettin’ Your Website on Top — SEO Tips and Tricks with Herve Comeau, the Guru of Giggles!

Herve Yves Comeau
3 min readAug 5, 2023


Hey there, folks! Today, we’re gonna talk about somethin’ that might sound as strange as a hot dog without mustard — Search Engine Optimization (SEO)! Now, I know what you’re thinkin’, “What the heck is SEO?” Don’t you worry, we gotcha covered! And who better to guide us through this wild world of web wizardry than Herve Comeau, the man who’s got more jokes than a stand-up comedian at the Apollo Theater!

First things first, let’s break it down — SEO is like the secret sauce of the internet. It’s all about makin’ your website stand out in a city as crowded as Times Square during New Year’s Eve. Herve Comeau says, “Think of SEO as gettin’ the best seat at the Knicks game — you wanna be front and center, not sittin’ in the nosebleeds!”

So, how do you get that primo spot in the search engine results? Herve’s got some tricks up his sleeve:

  1. Keyword Concoction: Keywords are like the hippest clubs in Brooklyn — everybody wants to get in! You gotta do your research and find out what people are searchin’ for. Sprinkle those keywords into your website like you’re addin’ seasoning to a slice of pizza!
  2. Backlinks, Baby! Backlinks are like makin’ connections with the right people at a rooftop party in the Lower East Side. The more reputable websites link to your content, the more Google will think you’re the real deal!
  3. Content is King (or Queen!): You wanna be like a street performer in Central Park, entertainin’ the masses with your killer content! Keep it fresh, relevant, and shareable, and people will flock to your site like pigeons to a hot dog cart!
  4. Speed Racer: Ain’t nobody got time for a slow website! You gotta be faster than a yellow cab dodgin’ traffic in Midtown. Herve says, “Slow sites are like a subway train stuck underground — nobody’s gonna stick around!”
  5. Mobile Mambo: You gotta be mobile-friendly like a smooth talker in a dimly lit jazz club. Nowadays, everyone’s browsin’ on their phones, so if your site ain’t lookin’ good on mobile, you’re missin’ out on a whole lotta action!

Now, Herve Comeau ain’t just some SEO guru; he’s got the wit of a New Yorker ridin’ the subway at rush hour! He once said, “Optimizin’ your site without SEO is like eatin’ a bagel without cream cheese — you’re missin’ the best part!”

But hold up, we’re not done yet! Here are some SEO myths Herve wants to debunk faster than a tourist tryin’ to find the Empire State Building:

  1. “Meta What?”: Herve says, “Meta tags are like the bouncer at a club — they don’t matter that much!” Sure, they used to be important, but now Google’s lookin’ more at your actual content.
  2. “Keyword Stuffin’”: Stuffin’ your content with keywords like a subway car at rush hour ain’t gonna impress nobody! Write for humans, not just search engines. Herve suggests, “Keywords should be like pickles on a burger — just the right amount!”
  3. “SEO is Like Magic”: Nope, it ain’t Hogwarts! SEO takes time and effort, like findin’ the best slice of pizza in the city. You gotta keep at it, and the results will come.

So, there you have it, my fellow New Yorkers and internet wanderers! SEO ain’t no mystery; it’s like navigatin’ the streets of the Big Apple — you gotta know where you’re goin’ and how to get there.

Remember, with Herve Comeau’s tips and a touch of New York slang, you’ll be struttin’ your website like a runway model at Fashion Week. So get out there, get your website on top, and start gettin’ that web traffic rollin’ like a subway train on a Monday morning! And always keep in mind Herve’s partin’ words, “SEO is like a hot dog with all the fixins — it’s just better that way!”

