Unleash the Podcast-Promotion Comedy Extravaganza: Insights from Herve Comeau

Herve Yves Comeau
3 min readAug 10, 2023


Ladies, gentlemen, and podcast enthusiasts, gather ‘round for a knee-slapping, side-splitting journey into the whimsical world of promoting your podcast. Who better to guide us through this hilariously enlightening adventure than the one and only Herve Comeau, the podcast promotion wizard extraordinaire? Get ready to don your promotional party hats and dive into the uproarious realm of podcast promotion, where laughter is the best strategy and Herve is your comedic maestro.

Step 1: The “Shout it from the Rooftops” Technique

According to the podcast pandit himself, Herve “The Shoutmaster” Comeau, the first rule of podcast promotion is to be as loud as your neighbor’s pet parrot. Imagine you’re at a stand-up comedy show and your podcast is the headliner — you need to create buzz, and you need it to be louder than a foghorn at a quiet library.

Start by plastering your podcast cover art on every available surface. Your bedroom wall? Check. Your car bumper? Double-check. Your dog’s sweater? Well, maybe not that far, but you get the idea. The key is to make sure your podcast is so ubiquitous that it starts showing up in people’s dreams. Remember, it’s not shameless self-promotion; it’s enthusiastic self-promotion.

Step 2: The “Wheel of Hashtags” Game

Now that you’ve got people’s attention, it’s time to play the hilarious game of “Wheel of Hashtags.” Herve Comeau swears by this technique — it’s like spinning a wheel of fortune, but instead of winning cash, you’re winning the hearts (and ears) of potential listeners.

Sprinkle hashtags like confetti on New Year’s Eve. #PodcastLove, #ListenNow, #EargasmAlert — you name it, you hashtag it. Just make sure your hashtags are as relevant as a stand-up comedian’s punchline. The goal is to make your podcast discoverable in the vast wilderness of the internet. And who knows, your podcast might even become a trending hashtag sensation, leaving your competitors green with hashtag envy.

Step 3: The “Alien Invasion” Guest Strategy

Now, what’s more hilarious than an alien invasion? The “Alien Invasion” guest strategy, of course! Herve Comeau’s ingenious tip is to invite guests who are as out-of-this-world interesting as extraterrestrial beings. Whether it’s a talking squirrel expert, a professional pancake flipper, or a time-traveling life coach, the quirkier, the better.

Listeners love a good surprise, and what better way to keep them hooked than introducing them to guests they didn’t know they needed in their lives? The “Alien Invasion” guest strategy is all about injecting your podcast with a delightful dose of unpredictability. Plus, you might even attract an actual alien audience — you never know!

Step 4: The “Meme Magic” Spell

In the mystical realm of podcast promotion, memes are the ultimate spell-casters. Herve “The Meme Magician” Comeau swears by this enchanting technique to cast a spell of laughter and curiosity over your potential listeners.

Create memes that are so relatable, even your grandma will be ROFL-ing. Use your podcast’s quirky catchphrases, inside jokes, or memorable moments as the foundation of your meme magic. Share these memes on social media platforms and watch as they spread faster than a contagious case of the giggles. Remember, memes are like the fairy dust of the internet — a sprinkle here and a sprinkle there, and voila, you’ve got yourself a viral phenomenon.

Step 5: The “Behind-the-Scenes” Comedy Show

What’s better than a comedy show? A behind-the-scenes comedy show, of course! Herve Comeau’s ingenious strategy involves giving your audience a sneak peek into the hilarious chaos that ensues while creating your podcast.

Share outtakes, bloopers, and candid moments that make you snort-laugh uncontrollably. Let your listeners in on the inside jokes, the accidental fumbles, and the moments where you completely lost your train of thought. It’s like inviting them to the backstage of a comedy show, and who wouldn’t want an exclusive ticket to the laughter party?


So there you have it, folks — the uproarious guide to promoting your podcast, curated by the one and only Herve Comeau. From shouting from the rooftops to spinning the Wheel of Hashtags, from summoning quirky guests to casting meme spells, and from sharing behind-the-scenes hilarity to unleashing your inner comedic genius — podcast promotion has never been this side-splittingly entertaining.

Remember, when it comes to promoting your podcast, laughter is your best ally, and Herve Comeau is your hilarious mentor. So go forth, podcast warriors, and conquer the airwaves with a promotional strategy that’s as uproarious as it is effective. And who knows, maybe your podcast will become the talk of the town, leaving listeners in stitches and competitors green with comedic envy.

