Coworking Space: A Good Way to Grow Your Business

Hess BK
3 min readFeb 17, 2017


Being an entrepreneur, you know how difficult it is to get a business on the track, especially when you are all alone. It’s tough, seriously! The situation becomes worse, when you start your journey from your home. In fact, most of the businesses (that are doing really well) are started with a small idea in a room only. Being cooped up in your ‘bedroom office’ all day long is actually daunting and you’re likely to encounter many challenges. So, why not look for an alternate way? One of the best and effective ways is to rent a space in a coworking environment.

Coworking spaces are proved to be a very good way to start any venture and there are many good reasons behind it. Working in this sort of arrangement ensures that you’re surrounded with like-minded and talented individuals, who can benefit you in the long run. Notice, curing startup loneliness isn’t the only benefit you will get from a coworking space. Studies show that businesses that get started in a coworking environment are two times more likely to grow and prosper. And why wouldn’t they be? The entrepreneurs are more likely to be interacted and motivated in such environment.

What’s more? Entrepreneurs working in a coworking space are likely to experience a higher revenue-margin, as they were able to relax more at home. If you’re still not convinced to move in to a coworking space, then find out some more reasons below that will certainly enforce you to work in a coworking environment.

Build Your Network

Your network is your net worth”. In the corporate world, who you know is as important as what you know. Working in a coworking space provides you the opportunity to build and grow your business network. And who knows, you may find your next business partner while working in such environment.

Save on Your Hard Earned Money

Depending upon the locality or point of business, such arrangements are expected to be relatively cheaper and more affordable than the traditional office system. Since you don’t need to hire an entire office, therefore, you can avoid letting burn a hole in your pocket. Additionally, you don’t have to be committed for long.

Become a Single Stop-Shop

Working in a coworking space means working with like-minded people or different businesses. This is not only beneficial to you, but also your potential customers or clients, as they will find everything at the same location. In this way, your business may also grow, as the customers or clients visiting your nearby businesses may also reach you to find something new.

How to find the right space for your business?

Coworking spaces are everywhere, as they’re becoming more popular with the passage of each day. A quick Google search with a relevant phrase will help you choose from the best. To make your search more precise, you can add area name. For example, you can type coworking space in Brooklyn in the search bar to locate a suitable office space for your business in Brooklyn.

RESOURCE BOX: The author of this article belongs to The company is known for providing premium luxury office suites to help young entrepreneurs, freelancers, and new start-ups grow and prosper.



Hess BK

The Hessbk provides luxury office spaces for rent in Brooklyn, NY, including all the necessary facilities required to grow your business.