DUO: Anton & Irene (Issue 2)

Heury & Heury
3 min readMay 25, 2017


DUO: Issue 2 (28 pages)


Equal partners

For this new edition, we got the chance to interview the inspiring duo Anton & Irene. “Incredible, fantastic, finally!” was the first thing that sprang to our minds when they agreed to take part in the project. The joy was all the greater because we no longer expected it.

But let us begin at the beginning. Anton Repponen and Irene Pereyra are two fascinating designers we have been following for several years now, when they were still working at Fi. It was such a great surprise to hear that they have decided to combine their talents to create their own studio and to name it as simple as “Anton & Irene”. Needless to say more, we were all willing to dedicate an edition of DUO: to them.

Unfortunately, willing is not enough — you know that — and some obstacles can occur. Indeed, because the tandem was regularly on the road, giving conferences all over the world or working on demanding projects, it was not so easy to interview them. After an initial refusal due to a lack of time, then a temporary deferral and finally some patience, a positive answer arrived unexpectedly during the holiday season like a Christmas gift.
The right time came.

We wanted to introduce this issue of DUO: magazine with this little story, not to complain for the time we waited — we are most obliged to Anton and Irene for taking time to respond kindly and carefully to our questions — but because it has taught us something important. Sometimes, things don’t go as fast as we wish, sometimes they go differently than expected. It is what it is. We can not control everything but at least we can control the way we react to it. In that endeavor, not being discouraged and keep trying is essential. And eventually, as Confucius said “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop”.

When we came up with the idea of creating our own magazine, we never thought being able to interview such great people as Berger & Föhr and Anton & Irene. We just tried, naively and it just sort of happened.

In this interview, the duo said “If we want to explore a topic or technique or discipline that we are not experts at, we just try it and do it. Usually, we will be able to figure out”. These words reverberate within us because this is basically what we do with this magazine. We hope to be able to continue this journey because the world is full of interesting duos to discover and to converse with.

In this new copy, you will meet a refreshing duo of designers, mixed and equal partners. Rough our layout, we tried to explore and to convey their colorful, singular style.
We hope that you will enjoy this interview as much as we do. And if so, just let us know!

Adrien & Clotilde Heury
Duo of editors



Heury & Heury

Brother (Adrien - @bentoutif) & Sister (Clotilde - @clotildeh), both designers - Sometimes we work together.