Hex2T is now rebranded as “Axion”

2 min readAug 6, 2020


Our traditional markets are fragile and unpredictable.

Once our world left the gold-standard, money-printing and variable inflation rates disenfranchised an entire global population. These days, putting money in a savings account does not even keep up with inflation. The traditional financial system has become a net-negative for those who simply want to “live off their savings”. Inflation and stimulus packages are allocated nearly exclusively to corporations and the wealthy elite. Our current global financial systems are an oligarchy, disguised as a democracy.

It’s time for that to change.

Bitcoin was the first-mover in decentralized financial currency. It was a vision that currency could be “for the people and by the people”, completely immutable to government controls. However, due to slow transaction speeds and high fees, Bitcoin has transitioned more-so into a store of value rather than a currency. There is a massive gap in the market. The world needs a currency where inflation is fixed, the system is immutable, and where the people involved GAIN purchasing power over time.

As robotics and AI begin to take over the workforce, our world will need some form of Universal Basic Income to be able to sustain themselves. We need a global, immutable, and scalable currency where people can simply live off the interest. This is Axion. Over the coming weeks we will be launching various awareness campaigns.

Within the next 45 days, we anticipate the Axion network to be fully functional. Everyone here is a catalyst to the start of a decentralized finance revolution.

Getting closer. Day by Day.

