The Hexagos Token

2 min readJul 9, 2021


We don’t have the money to build the vision of Hexagos yet for now but we have the knowledge and ideas that is why we must first start with an incentive token harnessing the power of blockchain and defi.

I Alienoshi the Alien Deus will now tokenize that idea to build it with Decentralized method in able for it to survive and sustain on its own accord probabilistic future.

The Token is all about gaining trust among joiner in a public EvoSystem engagement and contribution. This will allow us to move rigorously into achieving such ambitious ideology.

For what will our idea do if we don’t have the power to do so?

Isn’t is amazing that the power of blockchain can make that happen now. The World had changed so fast from the past, and to make this idea come life we must all join this incentive too.

We already know that an idea without money is nothing in this old World and that’s why we are here ro build that power of old concept to produce a new and better system.


Total Supply : 600B
Chain : MET40
Symbol : $HEX

There will be no Ethereum Version of it, and will only be using the Meta Smart Chain for now because of its gas fee and transactions speed.

The reason we pick this is to help the Meta Smart Chain grow along with the idea of Hexagos.

Founders of humanity always fascinated me with his idea to connect the World with Decentralized method.

I am here to support the man too.

The idea is a simulation that can help is sustain the revolution of EvoSystem. This might be the best way for now but soon we can have our own Blockchain mainnet in the future if we all tried it out here first.

Swapping those paper fiat to $HEX will surely fire up our revolution to be recognized and trusted by the human World community allowing us to find those like-minded to join us in the future.

Haxagos Token Evosystem adapted the fundamentals of almost all the featur s while increasing the Potency with its Ecosystem Rewards reflection.

The Special Feature also limits any dumper and whaler from manipulating the value of $HEX.

All HODLERS are automatically marked as #HEXITIZEN! Your Ticket To The Moon and Mars!

Winners of tomorrow are the HODLERS of $HEX today!

  • Help us grow by joining our digitalized global community.

By contributing your talent and skills to this simulation project we can make it happen!

All of us should contribute to open the project’s goal and key to the vision. Entangle with us..

