Mastering Options Trading in Bangalore

2 min readMay 6, 2024


Are you a Bengaluru resident intrigued by the world of options trading? Hexaurim- The best Options Trading Institute in Koramangala has you covered with its comprehensive training in calls and puts, providing you with the essential tools for mastering this lucrative field.

What is a Call Option?

A call option is a financial contract that gives the holder the right (but not the obligation) to purchase an underlying asset at a predetermined strike price before the option expires. It’s ideal for traders who anticipate a price increase in the underlying asset, offering the potential for significant profits while limiting the downside to the premium paid.

Points to remember when dealing with Call Options :

  1. Right to Buy: This grants the holder the ability to purchase an asset at a specific price, providing you with an advantageous entry point in rising markets.
  2. Profit from Rising Prices: With calls, you profit as the underlying asset’s value increases, making it perfect for those confident in a bullish trend.
  3. Unlimited Profit Potential: There is no cap on how much you can earn if the asset’s value continues to soar.
  4. Limited Loss Potential: The risk is minimized since your maximum loss is the upfront premium paid.
  5. Premium Payment Required: You pay a premium to acquire the call option, securing your rights to a profitable future.

What is a Put Option?

A put option is a financial contract granting the holder the right to sell an underlying asset at a specific strike price before the option expires. This makes it beneficial for traders who foresee a decline in the asset’s value, enabling them to profit from falling prices while also limiting their losses to the premium paid.

Points to remember when dealing with Put Options :

  1. Right to Sell: Puts let you sell an asset at a specified price, helping you hedge against downturns.
  2. Profit from Falling Prices: If the market dips, you stand to gain with this right to sell.
  3. Unlimited Profit Potential: As prices plummet, your profits increase, offering substantial returns.
  4. Limited Loss Potential: Like calls, puts a cap on your losses at the premium paid.
  5. Premium Payment Required: The upfront payment guarantees your right to sell and safeguard your investment.

At Hexaurim Institute, we’re committed to providing Bengaluru’s brightest traders with top-tier options trading courses. With our expert-led classes in Koramangala, you’ll gain practical knowledge and strategies to unlock financial success.

Join us at Hexaurim and embark on your journey to options trading mastery, where calls and puts become the stepping stones to your investment future! Our institute is also known as a premier destination for stock trading class in Bangalore. Start your investment journey today!

