How to Draw White and Pink Children’s Cat Faces?

3 min readFeb 24, 2022


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The purple or pink cat face is easily the most popular cat color scheme I have ever seen, probably due to the Cheshire cat in “Alice in Wonderland”. Now, this does not mean that no other colors are involved.

• Since pink itself overwhelms all canvases, make sure to add other colors (such as white) here to break it down.

• The black lines outline the important features of the cat in the important position and also help to make this face look good. Note how to leave black on the sides of the surface on the outer part of the design. Therefore, the main focus is the nose and mouth, and the secondary focus is just above the eyes. well done.

• Although it looks very different, the steps for this face are not much different from the steps for the black and white cat face above.

• Outline and color the pink part. Each pink part is located at a point above the two eyes, representing the cat’s ears.

• Paint the white middle part.

• Use black paint to add details such as the ears and the inside of the beard.

• Paint the tip of the nose with black paint. Then draw a line from the bottom of the nose to the center of the lips, and trace the connection between the upper lip and the cheeks.

Next, let’s take an example to illustrate the appearance of painting the entire cat’s head (including ears) on the child’s face.

I like the unique design of this cat, it is somewhat transparent. The small teeth sticking out on both sides are also cool.

Also pay attention to the beautifully designed cat mouth, which is easy to do. Just make the nose black, draw a line down from the nose to the upper lip, and then draw the upward curved mouth.

For this design, you will need three colors: white, black, and color for coloring (blue in this case, but you can easily change this color).

• Start with white paint, draw and fill in the basic outline of the cat’s face. Draw an ear above each eyebrow, draw fur on the child’s cheek, and draw the bottom of the cat’s face along the child’s upper lip.

• Blend the shadow colors along the edge of the cat’s face and below the nose.

• Outline the cat’s face in black.

• Dye the nose black.

• Paint black along the middle and upper lip edge.

• Add white details such as fur, where the whiskers start, and fangs.

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