rogozin: half man, half official

rushin’ news bonanza
27 min readOct 8, 2019
guess what i had to blur out

with great help of our friend Augustus von Fink-Nottle, longest article yet! at your pleasure.

Rogozin, Projects, Guerilla Mind.

Well, let’s start from the bottom. I translated russian lurkmore (also official RUSSIAN wiki page in the name of Incorrupted Dmitry) page dedicated to Rogozin, some oppos like versia or kompromat and few else. I do this because it is a very long path — path of understanding russian epic corruption, and learning to read what russian politicians/functioneers say, properly, with exact amount of salt, that is scientifically proven for you.

I hope after this too long article you will be too unsurprised, but really — I am not Rogozin to denial&deception you, thanks. If you have any doubts — please, aim them somewhere into academical research of Russia on your own, but remember about scary russian fairy tales (like wolf who ate a ram from inside and hid inside him and then ate babushka who came to feed that already eaten ram, no?)

Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin — professional putzriot, son of the soviet general Oleg Konstantinovich Rogozin, head of the department for advanced weapons systems and first deputy head of the Arms Service of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He studied at the rich-kids (soviet bohema mostly consisted of well connected people usually from good, reliable soviet families of functioneers, again, and officials, all kinds of chinovniks), using their, ahem, socialist privilege hehehe) schools of 59th and 73rd and the school of young journalism at the journalism department of Moscow State University, where he later entered . Having such a daddy, back in 1990, he signed up for an office under the name “Association of Young Political Leaders of the USSR”, also known as “Forum-90,” at the meetings of which he had slept on the table for a long time.

tho not sleepin here

However, in August 1991, he did hesitate: he climbed on an armored car after Yeltsin, and delivered a fervent speech in his support (which is imo the only thing this person did right). From that moment, the career of the failed “young dictator of the USSR” went up: Rogozin became chairman of the “Congress of Russian Communities”, receiving money from the budget to portray vigorous activities to protect the rights of the Russian-speaking population in the former Soviet republics (maybe you dont remember georgian axe massacre or riga omon sappeur shovel massacre at the beginning of new Unsocialist Russia). In 1994, Rogozin’s dream was disrupted by a rifle shot in the window of his office, but the shooter didn’t calculate: he naively believed that Rogozin was sitting at the table and working, rather than sleeping on it …

In March 1997, he became a State Duma deputy for a decade. In 2003, he wanted to join the EdRo (“Yedinaya Rossiya” aka “United Russia” — the only one ruling party) political council, but Luzhkov (then — mayor of Moscow, a big political figure; big oligarkh, his wife Baturina is still one of the richest women in Russia; Luzhok also had “some” political ambitions, like, ruling whole country, somehow, with Primakov, who also been helping Abu Ammar and others here and there earlier, but this is another story for another day) prevented him from doing this, for which Dimka (Dmitry Rogozin) passionately hated Baturin, but not EdRo. In the same 2003, without soap/oil, he squezzed into the ranks of the Rodina party(their almost ultranationalistic rethoric was a joke, not serious, populist, ground-testing, pr-stunt, whatever — but, frankly speaking, it also was raising nationalistic silt/mud at the bottom too unnecessary, dont ask why because it is too obvious), which was gaining strength, expelled from there, possibly because he started, to gain popularity over its creator Glazyev (now, he is an Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, and also he is from the presidents close work-circle; Glazyev is famous by his all-around conservatism, monetary policies of “printing more paper money” and, well, not a very sharp kind of mind), quite likely because of his unique skillset of weird charisma, position in “soviets finest” class (it is obvious too but relatives of soviet officials are very often doing the same job as their granddads, with close connections and ‘blat’ (‘blat’ pronounced like [bl`/\t], it is using personal connection and post unofficially in pursuit of personal gains, well, like “police family cards” in New Jersey and anywhere else) and, more important, shameless use of PR, also using his blat or paying money. In 2006, Dmitry Olegovich (Rogozin) helped Mironov (one of the most useless ‘pole-itics’ in modern Russia) in the party building of A Just Russia (“A Fair Russia” or “Spravedlivaya Rossiya”, the soc-dem spoiler, one of four main puppet opposition parties along with LDPR — libdems, and KPRF — commies cryptostalinists), created on the initiative of Surkov (ex Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation — Head of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation; famous for his cargo-cultish intellectualism, long story too); after the state budget that was allocated for the creation of this party was plundered, totally (it aint no big news until you are not living in Russia, which is SAD), he decided that he had nothing more to do in the Duma, and therefore left the party … And then he got the job of the presidential envoy to NATO — now he was sleeping on the table in Brussels, but he hated NATO — and received money for it. According to rumors, he slept for a reason, and put a sign — “I hate NATO. Inexpensive. “

like, can you distinguish between active advanced d&d and naivety

Of course, for all this Dmitry Olegovich loves Krab (The President, long joke about “Putin is a crab”, you can google it owerwhelmingly easy) very much. ‘Recently’ (as of date of writing this article, which was 2012 I think) , Rogozin made an impassioned speech at a meeting of the “Congress of Russian Communities,” which exists to this day, and called for “supporting Putin in the 2011 Duma elections.” What would that mean? Has Krab decided to go down to the post of speaker of the State Duma? Hardly. Simply Rogozin had a dream in which “EdRo” going to the polls materialized in a single Crab.

After the December 2011 elections, the opposition movement turned out to be somewhat more serious than expected, and therefore the Kremlin’s pocket nationalist was urgently returned to Moscow and slowly began to prepare for a possible promotion through the same Surkov propaganda. Be that as it may — Rogozin intends to continue sleeping on tables and getting paid for it.

Then he was a Deputy Prime Minister and the head of Roscosmos.

Rich kid with very integrated dad (also, very integrated father-in-law, but this is for the later), who loves regalia and to show off, careerist and a liar — thats a typical portrait of people of his origin.

These are short segment translations from russian-segment wikipedia (well, it was almost satte controllable until couple of months ago, againg — long story, another time), with little annotations in cursive/italic

First and somewhere-in-the-end second, long list of his regalia.

You can take em unironically, that is your holy right.

Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin (born December 21, 1963 , Moscow ) is a Russian politician.

Director General of the State Space Corporation Roscosmos since May 24, 2018 .

Since December 6, 2018, he has been appointed Special Representative of the President for International Cooperation in Outer Space.

Doctor of Philosophy.

From December 23, 2011 to May 18, 2018 — Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Chairman of the Board of the Military Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Supervisory Board of the State Corporation Roscosmos

Supervisory Board of the Foundation for Advanced Research, Maritime College under the Government of the Russian Federation

State Commission on development of the Arctic, state border commission, export control commission of the Russian Federation

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Military Historical Society (2013–2019).

(this last one is cult-classic, because it is state supported historical revisionism at its worst, the other head of this society is Minister of Culture Medinsky, who had written fake dissertations AND then got diplomas AND academic degrees, he is the author of cult phrase, quote: “Russian people are special, because we have an additional chromosome”. facepalm.jpg)

Until March 2006, he was chairman of the Rodina party;

in 2003 and 2004 — deputy chairman of the State Duma .

From January 2008 to December 2011 — Representative of the Russian Federation to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia.

His awards

Awards of the Russian Federation:

Order of Alexander Nevsky (Award №0528, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 06, 2018)

medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”

Stolypin P.A. Medal of the I degree (Medal №0073, Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2018 №740-r)

Medal “For the Strengthening of the Military Commonwealth”

medal “In memory of the 200th anniversary of the Ministry of Justice of Russia”

medal “200 years to the Ministry of Defense”

medal “200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”

Medal for Merit in Nuclear Support

Medal “200 years of the consular service of the Russian Foreign Ministry”

Medal “90 years of the service of diplomatic and courier communications of the Russian Foreign Ministry”

Badge of Merit of the Maritime College under the Government of the Russian Federation ( December 21, 2016 ) [115]

gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (January 20, 2004) — for active work on solving the problems of the Kaliningrad region related to the expansion of the European Union [116]

gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (February 6, 2009) — for merits in implementing the foreign policy of the Russian Federation and many years of impeccable diplomatic service [117]

registered pistols: “Mauser” from the Minister of Defense and “PSM” from the Director of the FSB of Russia (2004) — for the release of hostages from captivity of terrorist groups in the Chechen Republic in 1996–1999 [118]

Foreign Awards:

anniversary medal “25 years of the peacekeeping operation in Transnistria” ( Transdniestria , August 2017) — for active participation in restoring peace on the Transnistrian land [119]

Walther PPK pistol from the President of Serbia (November 14, 2013) [120]

Laureate of the State Competition of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic “Person of the Year 2012” in the nomination “Honor and Valor” [121]

Honorary titles:

Honorary Professor of Voronezh State University and Transnistrian State University named after T. G. Shevchenko [122]

Community and regional awards:

medal “For Valiant Labor” (Tatarstan, January 13, 2018) — for many years of fruitful cooperation and a great contribution to the implementation of joint projects for the development of the military-industrial complex [123]

Confessional Awards:

Order of the Holy Right Grand Duke Dimitry of Don, II Degree

Then goes his education. Lots of bleh-blehs there on wikipedia (still russian part of wikipedia with its obviously pro-kremlin views and mod team, so measure your individual amount of kosher salts here for yourself), but this one is good. If you will catch the most important note here then you’re made kremlinologist.

He was a trainee correspondent in the main editorial office of the Central Television of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting and in the main editorial office of the News Agency of Latin America . He has a philological and economic education.

In 1986, he graduated with honors from the international department of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University , [2] for the first time in the history of the faculty defending two diploma works at once.

Getting ‘trainee position’ on the main state tv (well, one of like three tv channels at that time) is a very hard job. It is all about tens of thousands of trailerloads of blat and loyalty. see, I dont use ‘ around that word blat anymore. Good.

In 1988, he graduated with honors from the Economics Department of the University of Marxism-Leninism at the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU (Commie Party Sovcit Union I guess) . [2]

Also, only the Marxist-Leninist University can teach you how to economics. The best economics. Like, it is deficit of sand if Saudi was communist for three years.

After graduating from Moscow State University in 1986, he joined the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR (KMO of the USSR). He dreamed of working in foreign intelligence , but despite the successful completion of a six-month internship in Cuba (September 1985 — February 1986), he fell under the restriction for further service that was introduced in the KGB of the USSR for the closest relatives of active workers (Rogozin’s father-in-law, Gennady Serebryakov, served at that time time in the First Main Directorate (foreign intelligence) of the KGB of the USSR)

It is enough to be said, and its somehow (or, id like to say, ‘veryhow’ ironic). Shooting himself in a leg, eh? Oh, its another cool story for another time.

On December 23, 2011, by President of Russia D. A. Medvedev, Rogozin was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation [12] . He oversaw the defense industry, defense contracts, national defense mobilization training, maritime policy, nuclear and aerospace, shipbuilding, aviation, radio-electronic industry, export control and military-technical cooperation, civil defense, border policy, the Arctic, as well as the construction of the cosmodrome “East”.

I’d like to point that out if you cant see that — this thing, controlling almost all of the spending, contracts, co-production (well, can anyone make his shitty fabric and become a monopoly provider of shitty fabrics only by one sign of a pen? hmmm, just a thought exercise) and whatever-the-fuck else is a shitton of money. Of course, a man of uncompared dignity and morals Dmitry doesnt care about money, he just want to Make Russia Great Again (thats what you had probably read in the “national interest” which is ‘absolutely independent’, because Simes, also named Dmitry, ahem)

American magazine Forbes has called Rogozin’s “chief hawk of Russian foreign policy” [20] and the administration of US President Obama says by “one of the main senior officials of the Russian government responsible for violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”.

Obama? Comeon, he made (created, signed, whatever) the Iran-deal, but he was a cool guy, right? Ok, but what about chief magazine Forbes? Is it relevant, reliable? Half salt please. Oh, it is russian wiki and there is no quote source?… Also, experienced, well trained and seasoned poltards would know the chief of green people was Gerasimov (ill talk about it later but I have no reliable sources hehe)

In September 2014, due to a 26-month delay in the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, President Vladimir Putin convened a commission on this issue, whose head he appointed Dmitry Rogozin [29] . Vice Prime Minister carried out constant monitoring of the construction process, making trips to the cosmodrome, as a result, the time lag was reduced, 20 criminal cases were initiated, but the construction of the first stage was still completed 4 months late [29] . Dmitry Rogozin criticized the management of Roskosmos [30] .

Few thangs here. As an avid news reader, I know at least one recent version of this public-trick (remember, only public which public figures do have is Putin, I aint no joking, it is called selfcensorship) — last was Slunyaev (changed his surname from, in Russian, Spit-ov to more arisctocratic Albin) on Petersburg stadium construction (also a subject of corruption of an epic proportions), but he literally lived in a freaking container in the middle of the site. Well, at least when JoUrNoS came).

Also, this is the epic cosmodrome, where construction workers wrote “Putin help us!” on the ground, able to be seen from sky, because nobody cared to pay them salary for MONTHS and other fails and mishaps)…

Also… Wasnt the Roscosmos created with Rogozin’s will?..

“…The State Space Corporation Roscosmos is a Russian corporation that manages the country’s space industry [3] , created in 2015 by transforming the Federal Space Agency Roscosmos [4] at the initiative of Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin, then Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation .

Roscosmos originates in the Ministry of General Engineering of the USSR and is its successor , as well as the Federal Space Agency Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency, the Russian Space Agency under the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Aerospace Agency [5] . It includes enterprises and scientific organizations created back in the Soviet era.”

I know I sound kind of stupid here, where ReAl InTeL taking place, but without proper analysis of the man himself everything he does just doesnt make sense.

He began his inauguration by voicing the “10 Commandments of Roscosmos” or the principles that a corporation should follow… the tenth commandment says: “We are not ready for pseudo-charity to the detriment of our business interests.

no comento

But if you dont know the man and take this bs seriously, then for you that ‘tenth commandment’ may indicate his high morals and his pursuit of, well, justice, peace and bubble-gum, sure. Russians know the deal when it comes to bs, and that kind of analysis is absent in fart tanks around the globe. Story about a boy named Pete and the wolf, aka “Petya I Volk”, heard it? Thats why overstating the readiness for production of bucket armatas is a rule for that environment, but people telling you this have no fucking idea about what “Rostekh” is, who Chemezov is and what the hell happened to Uralvagonzavod plant. This is another long story, but I continue with that one.

According to the audit of the Accounting Chamber of the enterprises of the state corporation Roscosmos, violations were detected totaling 760 billion rubles.

Again, there were not technically employed by Rogozin, technically sayin’.

In early July, Viktor Kudryavtsev, a 74-year-old TsNIImash (R&D for Space & Heavy Machinery) employee, was arrested on charges of treason, namely the transfer of secret information to one of the NATO bloc countries [52] . On September 3, Dmitry Olegovich announced the possibility of selling Russian rocket engines ( RD-180 ) to China, subject to signing and agreements on intellectual property [53] . And at the end of October, Russia transferred 4 more RD-180 engines to the USA.

I think I should not point you to the bullshit part with finger, you possibly will understand it. Old man was liberated with the help of russian ‘civil society’ after few years of detention, only after his health was ruined by jail, stress and bullshittery -its when you cant use common sense in your analysis. Well, until you know the freaking code. C O R R U P T I O N it is. And lies as a part of doctrine for years which you also may have known but didnt say.

Wikipedia also adds this beautiful quote from a real scientist

“The head of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin is absolutely incompetent, his statements do not deserve attention. [55] ”

- Mikhail Gelfand January 11, 2019 in connection with the position of Rogozin in the case of Viktor Kudryavtsev

Russians without any cue will receive this information as “another stalinist cosplayer failed his little purge because cosplay always fails”, but for the foreigners out there i’ll explain: Rogozin doesnt care about collateral damage, absolutely. While the same people who had helped to position on most rich posts do become chips (as in russian equivalent to “no cooking omelet without breaking an egg” which is “wood flies, chips fly”) he just continues his denial. He is so doesnt care of collateral damage that one time he had allegedly shot himself in a leg (guess just to prove that theory).

Gazeta.Ru found out under what circumstances Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin shot himself in the leg at the end of last year. This happened during the filming of the video, in which the official demonstrates the ability to shoot in Macedonian, that is, with two hands.

The fact that Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin , who oversees the military-industrial complex issues in the government, shot himself in the foot during the filming of the clip, where he practices shooting, a source surrounded by an official said to Gazeta.Ru.

According to him, at some point Rogozin lowered the gun and involuntarily pulled the trigger.

Incidentally, this is considered a gross mistake, all the more strange for such an experienced shooter as Deputy Prime Minister.

The bullet, says the source of “Gazeta.Ru”, got into Rogozin caviar, but passed right through.

The wound prevented the official from attending a New Year’s reception in the Kremlin on December 26th.

Well, trigger discipline sucks esp when you are not military. He also bragged he could fly AN-2 between buildings on his first flight with instructor (I could tell you about restrictions of low flight in citie on one engined planes but I wouldmt, as I am not a plane guy yet) but didnt he ever care about collateral damage?…

Also this is GAZETA, which is top notch loyalist paper. Then goes 2019th.

In January, Rogozin criticized jokes about the failures of Roscosmos, linking them to the incompetence of journalists and a hypertrophied reaction to mistakes made by experts from all countries, calling it all part of an information attack on the organization [70] . An example of this was the situation with the Radioastron telescope , with which communication was lost again, it was launched in 2011, with an estimated life of at least 3 years and a possible 5 years. In 2019, the device exceeded its service life by one and a half times, but, for example, journalists of the publication criticized the activities of the corporation of past years in their article “Flight to Nowhere”. [71] Ruspress and Kompromat-Ural criticized not only the work of Roscosmos and Dmitry Rogozin himself, but they also blamed the publication for deleting the article for a bribe, and the head of Roskosmos for stealing budget money.

Journalists of the publication believe that the head of the organization cares more about the image and not the results, forgetting that giving a timely report on their actions and the organization’s actions, refuting the rumors and conjectures of journalists, is his duty to society [71] . An investigation by the Roskosmos press service pointed to the media against which libel suits had been filed and a number of former executives and contractors according to Dmitry Olegovich. [73] [74]

Though kompromat, versia and other stuff is sketchy, stuff that Rogozin says is far more sketchier.

“It seems to me wrong when law enforcement and control agencies throw information into the public for the sake of PR, which can lead to a deterioration in the economic situation of state-owned companies. If you have questions or complaints, take action.” Quote from Rogozin, also available in his russian wiki page.

This is so classic its really flat, pain, tasteless and, generally saying, bullshit. There are few officials a week who say the same stuff when confronted about quality of roads, salaries, prices and other earthly stuff, so Rogozin is no Einstein here. Go fucking fix it, smartass. Oh, you aint in charge hue hue hue — Cartman style, folks, or Orange One.

Even our own teddy bear Medvedev, the softest man on earth, said

We need to finish with the projection, enough to chat about where we will fly in the year 30, we need to talk less and do more

the tone, the other part of quote is not mentioned here, but Rogozin was labeled as a projecteur by a softest man in russian government. He is really making Medvedev sick, hahaha.

At the end of February, a telephone line appeared for anonymous calls about violations and errors in the production process, in the first two months of the existence of which no calls were received. [79] In the framework of the same initiative, Dmitry Olegovich proposed depriving the bonuses of specialists who perform their work poorly. [79] In April, the head of Roscosmos announced a joint project between his organization and the S7 group to create a commercial version of Soyuz-5 , the Soyuz-5 Light rocket, which will replace the Ukrainian Zenith. [80]

After the flight of Yuri Yaskin, general director and manager of the NII KP , to a European country under the guise of a business trip, before starting an extensive inspection of the enterprise from where he wrote the letter of resignation, he was later noticed in Greece, [81] Dmitry Rogozin tightened the rules for traveling abroad for managers industry enterprises and company executives admitted to classified information. [82] He made a proposal to rename the Soyuz-5 rocket to the Irtysh , gave the name the landing module Cossack of the ExoMars mission and the heavy Yenisei rocket, and proposed changing the name of the Federation spacecraft.

Ffs “federation sounds too girlyish, lets name this beast EAGLE!” but ‘eagle’ is one of the unluckiest names in russian military history, but russian milhistory society DO KNOW ONLY WINNING. And anonymous call part is hilarious too, dont you find it? Or you mixed up Rogozin with Zhukov?… Also, how much of a stalinesque cosplay did you find here.

November 22, 2018 Dmitry Rogozin was elected chairman of the board of directors of the core bank of the rocket and space industry — Fondservisbank [84] . Earlier, in May 2018, Roscosmos became the next sanatorium of this bank [85] .

On April 12, 2019, Fondservisbank was transformed into Roskosmosbank

Money loves money, thats all. Anyway its great to have, like, bank. Lets look on his family closer, my frens.

Father — Oleg Konstantinovich Rogozin , Lieutenant General , Professor , Doctor of Technical Sciences . Prior to his retirement and retirement, he served as head of the department for advanced weapons systems and first deputy head of the arms service of the USSR Ministry of Defense (until 1989, and you know what the heck exactly been going on with last soviet generation future-technologies — I mean, not from NI hehehe). Born in Moscow in the family of engineer Rogozin Konstantin Pavlovich and Natalia Borisovna Mitkevich-Zholtok.

Mother — Tamara Vasilievna Rogozina (Prokofiev). Born in Orenburg in the family of Vasily Ilyich Prokofiev and Evgenia Yakovlevna Popodina. Prior to retirement, she worked in the dental complex of the Moscow Medical Dental Institute .

The great-great-grandfather of Dmitry Rogozin is Major General Nikolai Mitkevich-Zholtok (born 1866), in 1908–1915 he was the police chief of Moscow, in 1918–1920 he was chief of staff of the State Guard of the Russian Empire, one of the leaders of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia [97] .

In one of the WikiLeaks leaks, information appeared that Rogozin was allegedly married with a second marriage [98] . In fact, Rogozin has been married since 1983 to Tatyana Gennadyevna Serebryakova, the daughter of Colonel Gennady Nikolayevich Serebryakov, an employee of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (foreign intelligence), who served in the American direction. Now Tatyana Rogozina is the chairman of the Board of Trustees of INVA-Academy [99]

This is where we make a little pause, to hypertext into one less sketchier than Rogozin web1.0 site called kompromat (at this point it doesnt make any sense to you but you can at least try to memorize it to have minimum knowledge about reliability of amy state press vs any independent press in Russia)

Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin is a rather unique character for the modern Russian political system, since he does not belong to the team of old “boyars”, such as holders of summer cottages in the cooperative “Lake” or “ustodians of family billions” of the 90s. In those dashing years, Dmitry Rogozin worked in the field of public policy. And although his goals were always far more mundane than the declared slogans, to increase his supporters and political capital, Rogozin was ready to cooperate with everyone in a row — from outright fascists and nationalists, whom no one forbade in the 90s, to monarchists and communists, from pagans to Orthodox. All these people should have provided Dmitry Rogozin with a path to power. For example, in the 90s he became close to the Constitutional Democratic Party of Russia — the Party of People’s Freedom (KDPR-PNS). After that, Rogozin became a member of the “Russian People’s Party.” Following is the Rodina party. Then the People’s Party of the Russian Federation, and when it became necessary, he applied to become a member “№73160568.

To general public Dmitry Olegovich is known as a man who ruins Roskosmos and also promotes his son in the service. But what happened before? And before, Dmitry Rogozin began to move well up the career ladder after he married the daughter of Gennady Serebryakov, an employee of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (foreign intelligence), who served in the American direction. By the way, in the WikiLeaks documents it means that Rogozin is married with a second marriage! It seems that Dmitry Olegovich traded his wife for the promising daughter of an influential security officer. Dmitry Rogozin himself once spoke about this fact, while still being the ambassador and head of the strange organization “Council of Russia-NATO” however, then no one fixed it and paid no attention, since he did not see any prospect in Rogozin to curry favor and become the whole deputy prime minister of the government . So, Rogozin said that he had married at the age of 16 of his classmate, a peer, while still a schoolboy. This happened precisely because of the pregnancy of the girl, which was nonsense for the USSR. From public censure Rogozin saved only the high position of his father. Despite the strangeness and non-publicity of this story, in those days (about 10 years ago), Rogozin was very proud of his act and advised everyone to do the same. This statement occurred during a meeting of Rogozin with students just formed as a result of the association of Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin. At that meeting, Rogozin advised students“Love each other” in spite of any prohibitions and restrictions, give birth to as many children as possible and generally take an example from him and start sexual relations as early as possible — from 14–15 years old . Now this information about the first “school” wife of Dmitry Olegovich is completely absent, completely cleared from any sources, as well as his illegal statements. Most likely this woman with whom he divorced specifically in order to marry promising Tatyana Serebryakovalives under a different surname, most likely not in Russia. He and Dmitry are an early child, a boy, a long adult, and he should be at least four years older than Rogozin’s official son, Alexei. In this sense, WikiLeaks were mistaken when they wrote that Alexei Rogozin is the son of Dmitry Olegovich from his first marriage. This is a son from a second marriage.

Son — Alexei Rogozin (b. 1983 ) [98] , since 2016 — deputy head of the property relations department of the Russian Ministry of Defense; earlier — chairman of the public organization “Self-Defense”, deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma, chairman of the Moscow regional organization of the Federation of Practical Shooting of the Russian Federation. In 2012, at the age of 28, Alexei became the Executive Director, and then the General Director of the federal state-owned enterprise Aleksinsky Chemical Plant , whose main products are polymer coatings, rubber products, composites and gunpowder [100] [101] [102] . Prior to that, in 2010, he was Deputy General Director of the weapons plant “Promtekhnologii” (Rifled weapons ORSIS, which are basically robot Fyodor of, well, ‘rifled weapons’). In 2005 Dmitry Rogozin became a grandfather — he had a grandson Fyodor, in 2008 a granddaughter Maria, and in 2013 — a third grandson Artyom.

Also, after this old as mammonth’s turd article had been written Alex was appointed as head of Ilyushin, and you also can find out about his fabulous flop in the internets, I am already tired as fuck of splainin basics hehehe jk.

Now less official info, from here and on

Russia is already accustomed to the fact that the sons of high-ranking officials receive good posts for “feeding”. But for the first time, the son of a civil servant gets a high post in the industry, which is supervised by his father. It should be noted that Dmitry Rogozin, responsible for the aerospace industry and the military-industrial complex , oversees OAO II.

“He (Dmitry Rogozin) can give preference to his son’s companies over other market participants, lobby for more favorable conditions for regulating the work of these companies, reduce control over their work, “ say the Yabloko party, which filed an application with the prosecutor’s office.

And, by the way, this is not the first dubious appointment of a son, which is very similar to a conflict of interest. Recall that last spring Rogozin Sr. lobbied for his offspring as director of the property relations department of the defense department! Then they wrote that Dmitry Rogozin “had a hand” in the appointment of his son. Before that, Alexey Rogozin was deputy director of the weapons plant “Promtekhnologii.” Did papa again lobby? But the work of 2012 to 2016 as the general director of the federal state-owned enterprise Aleksinsky Chemical Plant is of more interest and interest… After all, he got a new position due to the alleged increase in profits. The catch is that “it is impossible to confirm or deny the information that during the work of Alexey Rogozin the turnover of the plant nearly five times. There is no information on the financial position of the enterprise in open databases of legal entities.” Almost at the same time, the anti-corruption organization Transparency International — Russia disclosed data according to which members of the Rogozin family own an apartment worth more than half a billion rubles, which does not correspond to officially published income. Many analysts said that Rogozin is always more engaged in public relations than official duties. When Dmitry Olegovich received the post of Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Transnistria in 2012, he only once visited the self-proclaimed republic, and after that he seems to have completely forgotten about the problems of the region.

Nevertheless, Dmitry Rogozin has developed a plan for the military capture of the moon. In 2011, Rogozin began to oversee the military industry as deputy prime minister. With his arrival, corruption scandals became more frequent. For example, in the Federal Agency for the Development of the Border of the Russian Federation (Rosgranitsa). Rosoboronpostavka tenders with Glock pistols, questionable in terms of competition, became more frequent. Then the corruption fighter Alexey Navalny revealed that the Glock 17 pistol Rosoboronpostavka wants to buy for 210 thousand rubles, and the Glock 26 pistol — for 191 thousand rubles. The problem is that Glock can be bought “in a shooting club for 65 thousand rubles with payment for storage in the club itself”. The price is overstated several times. Everywhere and everywhere, wherever Dmitry Rogozin appears as a curator or leader, this direction of the economy or the defense is degrading. The degradation and collapse do not occur by themselves, but due to the total corruption that prevails in the departments of Rogozin. And although he personally always rejects any mention of his corruption interest, perhaps, apart from the luxurious Rogozin apartments indicated in the investigation of Alexei Navalny, which either appeared or disappeared from the declaration. Rogozin’s name is always associated with a whole galaxy of “hand thieves” that no one knows in the public field, but they bear the burden of responsibility for laundering and withdrawing money from the treasury.

ok, you starta sleepin eh so cutting this bullshit shorter:

The FSB investigation team carried out searches in the offices of employees of the Roscosmos Group of Companies, at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Searches are also taking place in the office of Dmitry Payson, director of the research and analytical center of the United Rocket and Space Corporation. These activities are carried out as part of a criminal case instituted under Art. 275 of the Criminal Code — high treason. Vladimir Putin approved the creation of a super-expensive federal target program for the development of the Sphere satellite system, designed to provide comprehensive communications, navigation and remote sensing services for the Earth. The exact cost of the entire program is not known. But the Sphere component — the Ether system — will cost 300 billion rubles. But how can two of these extraordinary events be connected? Recall that the Roskosmos recently changed its leader. Igor Komarov was replaced by Mr. “eternal loser”, former Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Perhaps it was he who needed such a shake-up to cover up the large-scale facts of corruption that were recently publicly voiced by the Accounts Chamber of Russia, headed by Alexei Kudrin .

According to the results of last year, the Audit Chamber revealed violations of 760 billion rubles in the corporation — this is a record among ministries and state-owned companies.

It was not that all 760 billion were stolen or wasted money. Most of the violations identified by the Accounts Chamber are technical (43.6% — accounting violations, 32% — violations in the formation and execution of budgets). According to RBC, corruption accounts for only about 2%.

Last winter, Roskosmos already had serious financial complaints. First, presidential aide Andrei Belousov attacked the leadership of the state corporation with criticism for the inability to earn money: it lives off the budget and works almost without profit. In January 2018, the claim “took shape” in specific figures: the Ministry of Finance announced that Roskosmos transferred only 9.5 billion rubles to the budget in 2017 instead of the planned 52.27 billion. Such low rates were not in any other state corporation.

Almost everything indicates that Dmitry Rogozin is making a fool of himself — for bravura (pathetical parodical bravery, douchebaggery, nnnnname it) statements and promises to “show Kuzkin’s mother” to everyone, in fact, this turns into cuts of truly cosmic amounts of budget money. However, Rogozin himself was indeed completely mediocre — all departments in which he was the boss distinguished themselves only by corruption scandals and losses. No technological breakthroughs, no normal space exploration, nothing.

well, there are few notes to add

Rogozin’s wife announced the creation of her own troll factory to promote the Rogozin Doesn’t Lie meme

Moscow. March 7th. INTERFAX.RU — Tatyana Rogozina, wife of Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of Roscosmos State Corporation, has announced the creation of a “space” fan club.

“Hello to everyone from Space! Rather, from Roskosmos! In the context of constant info-attacks on Roscosmos, we are announcing the creation of a Roscosmos fan club,” Rogozina said on Facebook on Thursday.

Then, as is customary in the Rogosin’s deceitful family, this message disappeared and another text appeared instead of him without mentioning “info-attacks on Roscosmos”. What Madame Rogozina means by the “Roscosmos fan club” is completely understandable. Recently, her eternally lying husband has completely been slaughtered. And not only on the Internet, even another great liar — Dimon (Medvedev) actually called Rogozin a pizdabol (well, akshuallee he called him a ‘liar’, quote — ‘a projecteur’). True, after Medvedev’s collision, Rogozin managed to successfully hide under the wing of Putin himself and there were no organizational conclusions.

It is still unknown how much Madame Rogozin is going to pay “members of the Roscosmos fan club” for repelling “info attacks on Roscosmos,” that is, for trolling in favor of her husband. It is clear that the lady will not pay from her personal, but stolen from the budget.

Earlier, Madame Rogozin appeared in a magical story of meanness with the substitution of a dachshund drowned by Rogozin for another living one.

Also, did you see James Cameron movie deep blue about underwater scientists who breathe fluid enriched with oxygen? technology from 50’s, that stuff? Do you know THAT daschund doge? Do you want to know how it all connected? Google it. There is a shitton of videos.

btw internet public still thinks we were duped

definitely cloned in china

Do you still have any questions about any military program lead or touched even a tiniest bit by rogozin and his family?

still not convinced?

well, I dont get paid for convincing victims of d&d, so fix it yourself hahaha

and of course its far from all the controversies that surround this guy, but its a second term topic. next article, shorter one, will be about his promises. unrealised promises.



rushin’ news bonanza

i translate russian news articles from wide range of outlets from all sides of “political spectre”. conossieur level of news, posting… often, i guess?