How do we apply philosophy in our daily life?

3 min readFeb 25, 2023

Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom and understanding about the human experience, including our place in the world, our relationships with others, and our individual and collective values and aspirations. It involves critical thinking, reflection, and the exploration of fundamental questions that concern us all.

Philosophy is applicable in our daily lives when we try to comprehend society and others, contemplate the purpose and significance of our existence, and determine what is ethical and unethical.

To illustrate, let’s say you are debating a contentious issue with a friend, such as gun control or immigration. Instead of simply expressing your viewpoint and persuading your friend to conform, you can employ philosophical reasoning to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the matter.

Initially, you can define critical terms and concepts like the meaning of the Second Amendment or the distinction between legal and illegal immigration. This will assist both parties in elucidating their stance and avoiding misinterpretations.

Subsequently, you can apply analytical thinking skills to evaluate diverse arguments and evidence. For instance, you can inquire about the underlying assumptions of a viewpoint, the reliability of evidence, or any logical fallacies and biases involved.




I've been majored at philosophy studies. I love to sing and plays music. Instagram :