See what Facebook mines out of your photos and what they might do with it

Febin John James
2 min readDec 30, 2016


I was using Facebook and noticed one of the photos on my profile page was not loaded(Thanks to my internet connection).

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, indoor …

This was the image

This was pretty obvious, I knew Facebook runs computer vision algorithms on images for auto tagging etc. But I was curious , I decided to try some more images . Since my photo collection was bad, I tried it on the wedding photos of my friends Anand and Nilufer.

“Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and wedding”

So it counts the people, gets their expressions, check if they are standing or sitting and also finds out the context . “Wedding”

I tried another one

“Image may contain: 2 people, wedding, ocean and outdoor”

So it mines data from photos in personal profiles. What about facebook pages?

I had recently made a Facebook page to market my book Cloud Is a Piece of Cake . It is a book for beginners to develop apps on cloud.

Yup It analyses photos on Facebook pages too..

I tried one more

Mining data from images is not that impressive nowadays. But I wonder why ? Facebook might be cooking a new feature.

Probably an image search.

Probably some day we will be able to query Facebook like this ..

Show photos of Anand and Nilufer standing near the ocean in their wedding.

What do you think ?

