Evidence of my Racism

Heather Heying
4 min readMar 18, 2018

I am coming clean. Here is the email that got me branded a racist. I wrote it to the faculty, staff, and administration of the college I was then tenured at, on the third day of (the public part of ) the Evergreen madness last May. Do judge for yourselves.

From: “Heying, Heather”

Subject: Public response to [interim Provost]’s invitation to “come talk…in person” if we feel threatened

Date: May 25, 2017 at 1:43:18 PM PDT

To: [all staff and faculty at Evergreen]

Dear Evergreen administration,

You have allowed a critically dangerous situation to escalate, while obscuring facts from both those inside Evergreen, and people outside of campus.

This morning, our Provost invited those who have felt threatened or in danger this week to come speak to him, or an academic dean, in person, on campus. (I include his email at the end of mine, for those who were not included.)

At nearly the same moment, Bret Weinstein was being told that he was not safe on campus, and that he needed to leave immediately. He did so. He and his students are meeting off-campus today.

On Tuesday morning, May 23, a group of 50 or so protestors showed up in Bret’s class. He tried to talk to them. His students tried to talk to them. The video…

