5 Things You Should Never Try to Do in Business

Jaime Jay
5 min readOct 18, 2017

Is your business moving forward? We gathered insights from some of the leaders in the industry. Here are 5 things you should never try to do in business.

1) Stick with traditional advertising

Entrepreneur and bestselling author Seth Godin once said, “Doing what you’ve been doing is going to get you what you’ve been doing.”

How do you market your brand?

Never close your mind to new and innovative strategies and tools. They can help you generate massive streams of followers and of course — income.

A few examples that you too can consider implementing to market your business are:

  • Chatbot marketing
  • Video marketing
  • Category design
  • Virtual reality
  • Animated GIFs

When we think about traditional marketing, many times we associate them with print and radio programs. They could also simply be those things that we’ve been used to doing.

But then as times change, new strategies and tools arrive. Like they say, evolving needs call for innovative ways.

There is convenience in pursuing the typical things in business. After all, they have been proven effective. But then again, consumer needs have evolved as the years rolled by.

A recent report by Percolate revealed that consumers do not spend a lot of time on traditional advertising. Their attention is focused more instead on mobile ads and the internet.

Disrupting the Marketplace with Chatbots

We at Slapshot Studio believe in the power of chatbots for brands.

When you think about videos, GIFs, images, blog posts — you can present almost any type of content through chatbots. What is even better is that chatbots have been proven to generate more leads and increase click through rates.

It’s the humanized way of marketing that makes it more engaging to consumers.

There is even one chatbot that has been specially made for podcasters. Heard about Pete the Podcaster?

As shown in the same report, one of the main reasons why people avoid ads is its intrusive nature.

But with chatbot marketing, they are able to enjoy sufficient control over the experience. It allows them to converse in the topic they choose.

Overall, it is high time to think about doing innovative ways to expand and extend your reach. Invest your resources in improving your strategies to better cater to your target consumers.

2) Disregard the importance of having a website

On this we zoom into the consumer’s decision to buy from different brands in different industries. Over the years, mobile devices have produced a large influence on what Google refers to as “I-Want-To-Buy-It Moments.”

People from around the world look to their smartphones, tablets, etc. mobile for help before they decide to purchase. They search for reviews and other resources online.

Mobile is in. It is powerful. And it is one reason why websites are significant in a business — going mobile opens you to a wider network of consumers.

Your website can be:

  • Optimized for search engines
  • Linked to your social media profile
  • The go-to place for your target consumers

It can provide them with resources that they need to answer their queries.

The thing is…your website is your own place in the internet. You can connect it to your online endeavors and use it as a haven for all your followers from different social platforms.

Webinars, e-commerce stores, virtual events, podcasts, blogs — there is no telling how much you can achieve and how many consumers discover your brand unless you act on your ideas. And your website can be your platform to success.

3) Undervalue social media presence

Although the report also indicated the prevailing struggle of businesses and entrepreneurs in making the most out of social media, many individuals still spend most of their time on it.

Facebook alone has billions of active users that your business can reach out to.

On social media, you can:

  • Notify consumers of any news and updates
  • Participate in niche-specific groups
  • Provide feedback to your community
  • Provide 24/7 customer support through chatbots
  • Gather more leads and opportunities for your business

Simply because other brands have not succeeded on social media, it does not necessarily mean you won’t succeed as well.

You can level up your strategies and reinvent your game using the tools that are just up for you to use.

Serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuck said, “Saying hello doesn’t have an ROI. It’s about building relationships.

The same is true in social media. It’s the relationships that you create and strengthen that counts.

4) Copy another company’s image and ideals

What sets your business apart from the others?

Brand architect Jared Angaza once noted in an interview, “At the end of the day, being deliberate about crafting a brand experience that delights your customers is the best way to foster a community of loyal brand ambassadors.”

How do you craft that experience for your target consumers? Are you getting the most out of your current strategies?

Copying someone else’s identity may come in convenient — all you have to do is imitate.

But you can strive to be a brand that’s unique and that stands out in the marketplace.

You can consult with Jared to help you get started today.

5) Strive to please everyone

You may have heard it many times now, but it’s true: you can’t please everyone. And the one-size-fits-all strategy does not necessarily work for all.

Consider your business ideals. When you strive to please people, you compromise them just to cater to their desires. It would be like shooting arrows and hoping it will land somewhere good.

What you can do is have a plan and know where those arrows should pierce into. In the end, you want to reach those who will greatly enjoy and follow your business in the years to come.

Give us a clap or leave us a comment to let us know what you think about these 5 Things You Should Never Try to Do in Business.

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Jaime Jay

Jaime Jay proudly subscribes to the Ripple Effect of entrepreneurship. His goal is to help fellow business leaders discover their why through education.