Lettuce’s First Launch!

4 min readDec 10, 2014


Product Hunt (#6!): http://www.producthunt.com/

“Lettuce get started!” -Leif

Welcome to Lettuce’s launch!

378/300 Downloads as of 10:38 PM! Thanks everyone!

Key Links

Product Hunt (#6!): http://www.producthunt.com/

Download on iTunes! http://bit.ly/1CRxA14

Our Site: www.heylettuce.com

HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8759356

FB: https://www.facebook.com/andrew.hitti/posts/10152513395623663

App Description

Lettuce shows you nearby restaurants you’ll love.
Swipe right if you like each place or activity, or left if you dislike it.
Lettuce get started!


8:04PM: Trying to get top five on Product Hunt. Hope we make it!

5:36PM: Our post on Facebook has 177 likes and 14 shares but refuses to show up in our newsfeeds. Working theory is having a direct link to the app store or having two links in one status had a detrimental effect on newsfeed rank.

5:14PM: We’re at 243 upvotes on Product Hunt! Way more attention than we got with Ripple…thanks for everyone’s help! We’re still in 7th place though, and we haven’t moved in a long while, so we may be fixed in that place ☹

4:14 PM: So you can see it over time:

People really only opened within the first three hours, and after 5 nobody did. Very interesting to see what must be a huge pile of emails drowning ours out ☺

3:42 PM: We’re sending a lot of tweets to foodies and tastemakers who we think would love the app. Our strategy is to use one of our personal twitter accounts since the Lettuce twitter has so few followers

3:35 PM: Time flies fast when you’re having a launch! We’ve got 71 more registered users and 243 downloads. So our conversion rate is 29%. This is a little disappointing since we put a lot of thought into making signup as frictionless as possible where users just have to press send on a text message we open. Curious to see if Facebook login would have resulted in a higher rate

2:45 PM: We’re all over the place on Product Hunt! We got on the feed at around 10AM, and have been between 3rd and 7th place since then.

2:00 PM: We posted to r/Entrepreneur, but didn’t really get any response. Still waiting to see if anyone has any questions for us.

1:33 PM: We’re tweeting at VCs and reporters we know to get them in the loop about what we’re doing. Let’s see what they think!

12:15 AM: We have 100 downloads! Thanks to everyone who downloaded!

11:00 AM: Our ripple list netted a lot of opens, but less than last time. Our click rate was pretty great! We had a nice fat green button that was dying to be pressed, so that was probably part of it!

10:15 AM: Phew! Just recontacted all of my Facebook friends about the launch. The post currently has 5 shares and ~90 likes! Somehow it’s still not showing up in the news feed…

10:00 AM: 2 hour update! Here’s our downloads:

We’re at 59 today! Thanks friends. Our goal is to get t0 300, so we’re 20% of the way there!

9:00 AM: We sent the mailchimp email to all of our Ripple list. I’ll update with how that campaign is going in a few hours.

7:55 AM: Here’s where we are today (7 downloads yesterday, 3 downloads today):

The starting point for today

7:15 AM: We launched our app Ripple in the late afternoon, so we’re testing the morning launch. We’re both slowly getting out of bed and nervously pacing ☺

Why we’re doing this

We noticed that most information about launching is fragmented and post-mortem, which is not what real life is like at all. You’re about to see what is happening as close to real-time as possible, with all the numbers, set-up, and tears ☺. The important links will always be at the top of the page — please help us spread the word and give us feedback (I’m sure we’re missing something!)

We’re aiming to launch at 8AM EST, where we will:

  1. Post Lettuce on Product Hunt
  2. Make posts on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Digg, Hacker News, Growth Hackers, Quibb
  3. Turn on mobile ads on adMob
  4. Send an email to our Ripple Insiders (a.k.a the greatest people in the world!) who got our previous app Ripple to let them know about Lettuce!

I’ll be adding what I’m doing real-time, and when there’s some free time, I’ll give more information about each of the posts and the app itself (e.g. download numbers, CAC we’re getting etc). Thanks for reading, and go download the app!

