Gig-workers should be collaborating and building their own small businesses

3 min readDec 3, 2018


By Philipp Toth

The gig economy opens the door for countless people to choose the kind of work they want to do and become their own boss. But there’s no reason why this has to be a solitary experience. There is a wide variety of opportunities for gig-workers to collaborate with their peers, find workers who will complement their own skill sets, or even work alongside their friends and family.

Build your own business

Starting your own small business through the gig economy is an excellent way to start building a network of clients. The multitude of online marketplaces offer a great way to matchmake with any type of customer, so it is very easy to evaluate just how large the market for your intended profession is in your local area.

If you are a small, but successful, micro-entrepreneur, you will most likely run into a situation where there are aspects of your work that you are proficient in as well as unskilled in. For example, if you were running a small roofing business, but you were more talented at business development and outreach than the roofing itself, you would want to hire a couple of skilled laborers to handle that while you work on finding clients and building your network.

Collaboration is key to success

Working alongside your friends, family or professional peers is an excellent way to make your small business experience much more efficient, reliable and rewarding. Everyone has at least three skills, and this means that pretty much anyone you might want to work with will have something to contribute to your business.

For example, skills to contribute to your business include:

  • Labor experience for your specific job market
  • Marketing
  • Public relations
  • Sales and marketing
  • Accounting
  • Work equipment repair and maintenance

The drawbacks of collaboration

Although collaborating in the gig economy can greatly increase the pace at which clients are gathered and gigs get completed, it does create its own set of problems. Simply put, more workers means more administrative time to handle payments and worker coordination, and it also means a greater chance that a worker could get sick or injured and need time off from work. In addition to this, workers will also want to negotiate for pay increases and time off, which all needs to be planned and coordinated which further eats away at the time that should be spent finding new clients.

The best tool for gig economy collaboration

Heymate is a mobile deal-closing tool for the gig economy generation that allows you to create, negotiate, close and administer peer-to-peer digital contracts in under 20 seconds. It is an excellent tool for the collaborative gig-worker because it will allow you to subcontract your co-workers and suppliers for short-term and long-term work, all from the app. The heymate app also allows users to purchase insurance from our partners to protect their workers during a potentially hazardous job, as well as set the terms for work expenses and cancellations due to weather, sickness and emergencies.

Finding clients with heymate is also easier than ever before. With heymate, gig-workers can list their digital contract on any available marketplace, as well as present it to a customer offline and in person.

The gig economy makes it easy for gig-workers and side-hustlers to earn their living doing any type of work they can think of. Heymate further increases this value chain by making it as easy as a touch of a button to work with your family, friends and peers to build your own small business and truly work how you want, and when you want.

To learn more about heymate, please visit our website at or join our Telegram community (@heymate_official) to keep up to date on recent developments!

Philipp Toth is the CEO and founder of heymate, a portable deal-closing tool designed for the gig economy generation. Philipp has 12 years of experience in corporate value creation and operational excellence design and implementation, accumulated during his careers in management consulting and investment management. Heymate seeks to solve the gig economy’s efficiency gaps and payment deficiencies by allowing users to create legally enforceable peer-to-peer contracts online or offline within 20 seconds.




A portable deal-closing platform for modern micro-entrepreneurs