Top 3 Reasons To Start Creating Content On Twitter Now

which ain’t cliche!

Shruti Mishra
5 min readFeb 4, 2023
Photo by Edgar on Unsplash

“Disclaimer — This article is for action-takers!!”

You must have read the Tweet this morning or if you haven't then, this one is for you!

Okay! Congratulations — you are getting paid to write on Twitter now.

I assume, because you are reading this article on medium:
- Either you are already a Twitter user
- You can become one easily since you are using Medium.

Now, the question which might come to your mind might be —

“Are you kidding me, this is not easy man!”
“Come on, I don’t have enough time to write tweets every day”
“Why would I care to become a content creator on Twitter”


You might be thinking you are late in the game. So, my friend, the answer is “YES”!

But hear me out. Yes, you might get late if you are still not leveraging this platform and are still in planning & researching mode like the rest 99% of others!

Another case can be: probably you are already active on the platform as a creator and acing the Twitter game right, then Congratulations! I am happy for ya’ buddy!

But if you are still just thinking of starting and not getting enough reason to do so then keep reading this article, to find out your ‘why’ !

I have been using Twitter for five months, and I wasn’t much active in Oct’22, Nov’22, and Jan’23.

Take a look at my profile here

These metrics are from December. which is completely organic!
and If you want the same results for yourself, don’t miss out on this opportunity, and feel free to connect here!

Okay, coming back to the story, I was fairly new to the platform. While writing this article I have 2469 followers, I never played hard to Garner an audience, which is totally doable but I don’t prefer to.
But ‘why’?
Because my plan is to build a community of like-minded individuals & become a content creator, not an influencer. I use sustainable strategies and spend a maximum of 25min- 30min every day now.

Okay, enough of my story. Let’s be laconic & help you out in finding your ‘why’!

Here are the top 3 reasons WHY you should start creating content on Twitter now!

  • Personal Branding- Building your brand is essential and cannot be emphasized enough. The platform provides an excellent opportunity to enhance your personal or business brand by sharing your thoughts, opinions, and insights. By building a following of people who are interested in what you have to say, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field and open up new business opportunities.

A great example of a personal brand on Twitter is Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee), an entrepreneur, speaker, and internet personality who has built a large following by sharing his expertise and insights on digital marketing and entrepreneurship.

This is how active he is on Twitter

For more details, you can check here . By sharing valuable content regularly and engaging with your followers, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field and open up new business opportunities.

  • Drive traffic to your website or blog — Twitter can also be used to drive traffic to your website or blog. By sharing links to your content on Twitter, you can attract new visitors to your site, and help build your online presence.

A great example of a website that uses Twitter to drive traffic is the blog HBR Ascend, which uses Twitter to share its articles and insights on career development for early-career professionals.

By tweeting regularly and using relevant hashtags, HBR Ascend has been able to attract new followers and drive traffic to its website.

  • Monetization opportunities — By building a large and engaged following on Twitter, you can monetize your presence by getting paid from Twitter for ads on your profile & threads, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, or by offering services and products related to your niche.

A great example of monetization on Twitter is the fashion and beauty influencer, Aimee Song (@aimeesong), who has built a large following by sharing her fashion and beauty tips and has leveraged her Twitter presence to monetize through sponsored content and affiliate marketing.

By consistently creating valuable content and engaging with your followers, you too can monetize your Twitter presence and turn your passion into a profitable career.

In conclusion, starting to create content on Twitter is a smart move for personal branding, driving traffic to your website/blog, and monetization opportunities. If you’re looking for more support in growing your Twitter presence, take advantage of my consultation services. Book a call with me today to get personalized tips and strategies for building a strong and successful Twitter presence by clicking here. Don’t miss out on the potential benefits of this dynamic platform. Get started with creating content on Twitter now!

Feel free to check out my website to learn more / connect with me by clicking here!



Shruti Mishra

Sharing insights on AI, Entrepreneurship, Online Business & Productivity • I help people Marketing & Launching their SAAS Products |