Copywriting lessons I learned from John Caples

Shruti Mishra
3 min readOct 19, 2022


“Quit Work Someday” Ad by John Caples

If you are into copywriting, you know how much importance a headline holds.

But what does a solid headline looks like?

During my learning process (which is ongoing), I learned a few lessons from John Caples, the legendary Ads man, about headlines — which will help you create your next Ad copy!

These headlines will encourage you to write good copy that provides value through helpful information.

You’ll build trust with your audience and prove to them that you have value to offer. Then ask for the sale.

Use these headlines to teach, explain, and help people :

  1. Begin Your Headline with the Words “How To”
  2. Begin Your Headline with the Word “How” (It’s basically a duplicate, I know)
  3. Begin Your Headline With the Word “Why”
  4. Begin Your Headline with the Word “Which”
  5. Begin Your Headline with the Words “Who Else”
  6. Begin Your Headline with the Word “Wanted”
  7. Begin Your Headline with the Word “This”
  8. Begin Your Headline with the Word “Because”
  9. Begin Your Headline with the Word “If”
  10. Begin Your Headline with the Word “Advice”

Headlines that Focus on Benefits

Take the time to get good at these and you’ll never have to worry about your marketing failing ever again.

  1. Use a Testimonial Headline
  2. Offer the Reader a Test (Can Your Kitchen Pass the Guest Test?)
  3. Offer Information in Value
  4. Tell a Story
  5. Warn the Reader to Delay Buying
  6. Let the Advertiser Speak Directly to the Reader (Write the entire ad in the first person and speak directly to the reader)
  7. Address Your Headline to a Specific Person or Group (I suggest you address your target market)
  8. Have Your Headline Ask a Question
  9. Offer Benefits Through Facts and Figures

News Headlines

These 8 headline formats deliver because they do a fantastic job of arousing curiosity. People always want to know what’s new and exciting. And the best way to show them that you have something new and exciting is to blatantly tell them.

  1. Begin Your Headline with the Word “Introducing”
  2. Begin Your Headline with the Word “Announcing”
  3. Use Words that Have an Announcement Quality (Finally, Presenting, Just Released, etc)
  4. Begin Your Headline With the Word “New”
  5. Begin Your Headline With the Word “Now”
  6. Begin Your Headlines With the Words “At Last”
  7. Put a Date Into Your Headline
  8. Write Your Headline In News Style (This one’s a little redundant, focus on pushing the announcement angle)

Price Related Headlines

One’s business model is based on delivering the product or service cheaper than anyone else. Think Walmart and generic brands. If that’s the game you’ve chosen to play, you’ll want to display your prices every chance you get. Put them in each headline you have and hope someone hasn’t figured out how to do it cheaper than you.

  1. Feature the Price in Your Headline
  2. Feature Reduced Price
  3. Feature a Special Merchandising Offer
  4. Feature an Easy Payment Plan
  5. Feature a Free Offer

One to Three Word Headlines

Don’t make your copy pithy and cute. No one will get it. They’ll just think you’re boring and confusing.

So approach these last 3 with extreme caution.

  1. Use a One Word Headline
  2. Use a Two Word Headline
  3. Use a Three Word Headline

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