4 min readSep 21, 2016


Choosing promotional products for your business is tough, especially when you are a beginner. Experiencing this kind of situation is normal, but this can also happen to many business owners who are in the industry within a long period of time. Selecting the right promotional items is necessary for you. Through which you can achieve your marketing and business goals such as improved percentage of profits, boosted number of clients, etc. If this is your first time to handle this task, you need to learn the basics first. We are available to help you throughout your journey. In addition, if you cannot do it alone because there are so many responsibilities that you yourself need to take care, hiring professionals will help.

The process in choosing the promotional products for your company can crack your brain as a neophyte or an expert. Thus, we developed seven easy steps that you can follow. Just follow the steps and you will definitely attain an amazing and excellent outcome.

  1. Relate your business to your promotional products or promotion as a whole — If you sell gadgets such as cellphones, laptops, computers, etc. it will be nonsensical when you give out other products that are not relevant to your services. Therefore, when you sell whatever product, the promotional item should be connected to it so that all your goals will be achieved. Apart from that, the promotional product should best suit your chosen industry, beliefs, and values. When you do the job, make sure that you connect it to the kind of business you have so that you will be able to avoid future problems and confusion.
  2. High quality — Since people want the best in all things including your amenities, you have to ensure them that your promotional products are extremely high quality. You can achieve amazing quality when you do all things right and base it on your standards and your clients. If you sell apparel, you will be able to provide the item that your potential customers want when you choose a reliable and trusted supplier of fabric; you have a state of the art facilities, and highly knowledgeable workers. Thus, you can provide what many individuals look into when you truly value them and you give importance to your credibility as a business owner.
  3. Market — The next step that you need to do in choosing promotional products is market your promotional items. In this process, you can employ a lot of media that you think your targeted market have an access such as television, email, magazine, newspaper, radio, website, mobile, business cards, and more. In using one of these marketing tools, you should make sure that your message would be conveyed properly so that wrong information will be avoided. You should put all the data about your company such as what you provide or how do you work? Your approach should fire the curiosity of your clients and will be able to push them to take action and that is to purchase your promotional items. Thus, you have to make sure that you utilize an advertising strategy that will get the hearts and minds of your market.
  4. Spread the word — Ensure that people are aware that you are providing a free stuff or freebies. If decide to offer that kind of service, you should make people aware of it so that your hidden objectives will be accomplished. For you to be able to spread the amazing amenities, you can also utilize your website, email, and other media. When you have already done all your working responsibilities, you will see the big difference in your business after sometime. There will be past or former customers who want to avail your services again and there will be new and prospective individuals. In this situation, providing free products will likely awe and allure the customers. It is beneficial on your part as a business owner. However, if your business does not have the capacity or enough resources to do it, drop the idea. Wait for the time that your company can for your own good. There are alternatives, anyway.
  5. Pick your target people — Before you offer promotional products, you should pick your target people especially those potential customers so that your business will be benefited in return. You can also choose the individuals who share the same interest in order for you to avoid of giving free items to people who will not give you anything in return. When you do this step, one thing is for sure, your promotional products will be used in such a manner that is effective and productive. Surely, you will never regret in making this kind of decision.
  6. Promotional items should be useful — When you decide to give free products, make certain that they can be used in the real scenario. If majority of your customers are working in the school, you can give them something they utilize every day so that they will less likely misconstrued your company real business. When you do not truly know your clients, you might give something useless. This should be avoided because you will just make an action that will ruin your business.
  7. Personalize promotional products — When you provide free items, you can customize them in order to make the recipient happy and complacent. Moreover, they will truly enjoy your promotional item in a long run. If they become satisfied with it, the tendency is that, they will talk to their friends, relatives, colleagues, and other individuals that you have something really great.

When you follow the seven steps given above, you will be guided all throughout the process. In addition, you will be able to use promotional products effectively and efficiently that will certainly benefit your business. See? Choosing promotional products is not that difficult.

This story first appeared on hfbadvertising.com

