Luminiferous and gravitational ether.

5 min readDec 22, 2021


Ether in all its glory!
It is assumed that during the formation of matter (proton, hydrogen, helium, etc.) from ether, ether is absent in the atoms of matter or is present in insignificant quantities and therefore the ether surrounding the matter exerts pressure on it. Then the more matter, the greater the pressure of the ether.
Here is what is alternative here … The velocities of the planets are reference, the directions of their rotation are reference … It remains only to construct a model of the Galaxy corresponding to these data.
The MM experiment confirmed the absence of the etheric wind on the planet’s surface and thereby indicated that the Earth in this case moves with the ether. About what I am writing for this option all the data on the solar system. Nobody considered this option. This is called a test of the purity of the experiment. I have shown a variant of the model in which the etheric wind is absent, but the presence of ether is possible if it moves with the planet. Shown is a hypothetical connection between the rotations of the planets and the Sun.
The nature of gravity is the pressure of the ether.
If, according to Tesla’s hypothesis, the Sun rotates the ether, which in turn rotates the planets, then …
The black hole rotates the entire galaxy and stars and planets through the ether … The ether presses on the black hole so that X-rays are emitted from the hole perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy, therefore we rotate … Perpetual motion in the Universe.

Orbital velocities of the planets of the solar system
Mercury — 47.87
Venus — — — 35.02
Land — — — — 29.78
Mars — — — — — 24.13
Jupiter — — — 13.07
Saturn — — — — 9.69
Uranium — — — — — 6.81
Neptune — — — — 5.43
Pluto — — — — 4.67 km / s
Even here it can be seen that rotating the ether the Sun sets the highest speeds to the nearest planets.

Own angular velocities,, rad / s
Mercury — 4.13 * 10 (-6)
Venus — — — 2.99 * 10 (-7)
Earth — — — — 7.3 * 10 (-5)
Mars — — — — 7.09 * 10 (-5)
Jupiter — — — 1.76 * 10 (-4)
Saturn — — — 1.66 * 10 (-4)
Uranium — — — — 1.0 * 10 (-4)
Neptune — — — 1.1 * 10 (-4)
Pluto — — — 1.14 * 10 (-5)
The larger the planet’s diameter, the faster its ether layers rotate.

Again. The black hole rotates the entire galaxy and stars and planets through the ether … The ether presses on the black hole so that X-rays are emitted from the hole perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy, therefore we rotate …
It is usually customary to consider the rotation from the north direction, that is, as if the observer is located in the region of the North Star. In this case, all the planets of the solar system, the Sun itself, as well as almost all other bodies will rotate counterclockwise.
The situation is more complicated with the rotation of the planets around their own axes. If you look at everything from the same northern direction, it turns out that 6 planets rotate clockwise (it should be understood that the axes of the planets are not strictly perpendicular to the planes of their orbits, but have some inclination), but two planets still violate this order. Venus and Uranus.

I connected the daily rotation rates of the planets with their diameters … and
I can say that the speeds of rotation of the planets around the star are also natural regardless of the masses of the planets and do not obey any inertia.
if viewed from the North Star, the Sun rotates counterclockwise and all the planets of our system also rotate counterclockwise … we look at the daily rotations, six planets rotate clockwise and only Venus and Uranus are slightly different, probably due to the peculiarities of the internal structure. ..
What laws of Newton or Einstein speak about the directions of these rotations and the magnitudes of the velocities?
probably it would be possible to launch a probe along the Earth’s orbit towards its motion with a probe density equal to the Earth’s density … and see what effect the ether moving towards the probe will have on the probe’s movement …
The reason for the daily and annual rotation of the planets.
if the Sun rotates the ether, and the ether rotates the planet, then the duration of the planet’s daily rotation will depend on the diameter of this planet … on the day of the maximum of Mercury, the minimum of Jupiter. This happens because the concentric layers of aether, spun by the Sun, have different speeds.
What rotates the Earth rotates the Moon. We see how the moon rotates around the earth and its earth axis.

the electromagnetic wave is generated by the accelerated electrons of the antenna, and since it went into space and as we are shown by the oscillations of the electric and magnetic fields in it, then there are probably charges in it, in a vacuum …
since the vacuum gives rise to a pair of electron and positron, it means that there are neutral particles of the ether containing these charges
if we introduce a test charge, then the ether particles are polarized and we get an electric field
further, if we begin to move the test charge, these dipoles (polarized etherons) will begin to rotate and we, i.e. i get magnetic field …

Sincerely Henadzi Filipenka, 75 years old.

