The Real Release Notes

The greatest joy in App Development comes from seeing all that effort you and your team poured into some shiny new feature finally live on the store. Crafting the Best Release Notes Ever is part of the pride you take.

But sometimes … actually quite often … the new version of your app contains changes that you’re not too proud of and have no idea how to communicate to your users. What then? Time to resort to a handy, catch-all phrase you’ll find scattered all over places like the App Store and Play Store.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Ah yes. This innocuous little term has come to cover a wide range of activities…

Free Bonus Ads

We just joined a new ad network and honestly this improves things. For us. We’re finally starting to earn something… And of course you love our app so this ensures its long term future. Win-win right? (◕‿◕✿)

Pixel Perfect

Our designer lost it. They went crazy. We were actually a little scared for a moment. The implementation didn’t match the design pixel-for-pixel. We shipped anyway while the designer was off sick. Then they returned…


We made our Mongolian user base happy by translating “Tap Here” correctly to “энд холбох”. But the rest of you probably don’t care.

More Analytics

On top of Google Analytics, Flurry, Localytics, Mixpanel and comCast we just added another SDK to check you’re really all there. And OMG have you seen Facebook’s Analytics for Apps?!? We just have to get some of that.

We Almost Died

Right after our major new release 5.0.0 we spotted a problem with users losing all their stuff. We panicked. And we begged Apple for an expedited release. And we died a little each day while we waited…

Shiny New SDK!

We empowered our Product Manager with an A/B testing SaaS tool that allows him to test UI variants without even talking to anyone that writes code.

SDK no more

That was some seriously flaky, app-crashing software. We almost dropped a point in our app store ratings with all the angry feedback.

Hello Marketing?

So the marketing team were on holiday and insist on producing all copy. We had a deadline and those new features weren’t that interesting so whatever.

(Apple|Google) Made Us Do it

So they just released iOS 15 or Android 12 and completely broke our app. And yes we knew this was coming since 3 months already but yeah…

We actually fixed bugs

It were a couple of minor bugs. We fixed them. That is all.



harry fuecks

things about leading software engineering, product management and stuff