How long can you finance a motorcycle for?

23 min readApr 12, 2019


How long can you finance a motorcycle for?

I was looking at getting one of the Ducati 848s towards the end of the summer. Does anyone know how long you can finance a bike for? Is it the same way as with cars? And what is the general interest rates? thanks

Answer : I might suggest one to try this web page where one can compare from different companies: .

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“How long can you finance a motorcycle for?

I was looking at getting one of the Ducati 848s towards the end of the summer. Does anyone know how long you can finance a bike for? Is it the same way as with cars? And what is the general interest rates? thanks

How do you pay your bank of america credit card bill online?
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Cosign for auto loan?
Ok so you don’t know me i asked you a question not to critisize… And my bills are paid off now i just had a bad PAST as i said and have done nothing else, to fix it. And now that I have a GOOD job i wont have a problem with bills, and the car i have no i can get 2,000 for trade in do it wont even be that much, and I pay insurance now on my vehicle and its not like I CANT afford it””
Free credit report question?
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Should I calculate my credit score by myself?
Should I calculate my credit score by myself, or is it better to buy credit report?””
Can you get an auto loan if you already have a loan for college?
I was recently in a car accident and my car was totaled. The insurance company gave us the amount the car was worth at the time which was a little over $12,200. I want to get a car that is $14,097. We plan on making the down payment the $12,000 and pay the rest off with a loan. Since my mom already has a loan for my college tuition, she is unsure if we can get an auto loan for the rest of the money. My question is can she get an auto loan if she already has a loan for my college tuition?””
Can I revoke Authorization on payday loan debits?
Thru the bank? Or do I have to actually close my account?? I’m in the process of putting them into a debt consolidation program and need to know the best way to prevent them from both being debited from my account and being paid thru the program. I would really hate to have to close my bank account. That just feels shady.
Is betther to get a auto loan from a bank or from the dealer?


Random address on credit report?
There is a random address on my credit report that I never lived at. It was posted in 2001, but there hasn’t been any credit opened in my name, nor loans or mortgages. Should I still be worried?””
“”How long does it take, from start to finish, to complete a chapter 7 bankruptcy?””
A typical one, anyway.””
How do you get your cridit score?
from the trans union and equifax and experian
How to finance hunting land?
How do you finance hunting land? What are the major companies who do this, like Citi Mortgage for homes, also what are the interest rates for say a 15 year loan.””

“”Is there a lender that loans $3,000 with bad credit, no collateral? Looking for any non-matching services.?””
I am looking to borrow $3,000 to get out of debt and need to do it fast. I currently am stuck with bad credit and only home goods…such as a plasma tv, stereo, etc. to post for collateral. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Anything I see online always leads me to websites that match me with potential lenders, then they are matching services, etc. I am looking for a direct financing lender.””
I need to find a company that will clear my credit report after bankruptcy know anybody?
all derogatory information that remains needs to be cleared
How does free credit report work?
Does it affect my credit history if I use it?
“”Bankruptcy question? lawyers, feel free to answer. It’s a legal mess?
My sister borrowed her fiance money to pay for his bankruptcy lawyer. He agreed to pay the money back and she has saved text messages verifying this. Since then they broke up and he has refused to pay her back. He says his bankruptcy lawyer told him that it is a violation of his bankruptcy for her to sue him for the money back. My sister says that this loan was not made part of his bankruptcy. Who is right? And if he is right is their any way for my sister to get her money back? By the way we are mn residents if that matters for state laws
Auto loan approval???
how long do you need to be in a job before qualifying for an auto loan? if you only have fair or good credit history.
I have a credit score of 471. is there any mortgage co that will finance me?

Is a 401k loan a secured debt?
I filed an offer in compromise (OIC), with the IRS, on behalf of a client. On their financial statement (form 433(a)(OIC)) I included loan repayment against a 401(k) as an expense. They rejected the OIC, saying the 401(k) loan is an unsecured debt. I say the 401(k) plan is collateral against the loan, therefore it is a secured debt. Who is correct?””
What are my options on a 18.65% auto loan?
I bought my first car a little over a year ago with an 18.65% APR my loan was for $20,374 I made one late payment but doubled up the next one.My payments are $ 475 and I would like to trade it in for something else my credit score is 581. I’m going to put $2000 down but my trade is a 2004 ford explorer ? My pay off amount is $19,117? Yeah!! Please Help””
Your credit card charges you 1.5 percent interest per month. What effective rate of interest are you paying?
Your credit card charges you 1.5 percent interest per month. What effective rate of interest are you paying?
“How long can you finance a motorcycle for?

I was looking at getting one of the Ducati 848s towards the end of the summer. Does anyone know how long you can finance a bike for? Is it the same way as with cars? And what is the general interest rates? thanks

What is a credit score and what are the benefits of having a good credit score?


Is it possible for me to find out a persons name though their email?
I need to know the name of a person….but I only have their email address….they have been harrasing me, and they claim to go to my school.””
Can anyone give me some sound advice on bankruptcy?
a friend of mine is in a jam, she has been working for ten yr, and about 2 yrs ago she bought her first house and now the way the housing market is her house lost alot of value, so she can refi and with all of her bills, it getting hard for her to make her payment, and she might have to go bankrupt in order not to lose her house and car. so if anyone out there knows anything about bankruptcy please let me know so i could help my friend. thank you””

Can I refinance my auto loan in one year?
My credit score is 675 but i have a bankruptcy so i’ve been approve for a car loan but the apr is going to be around 15% :( I really want to build my credit. It’s been four years since my bankruptcy and i have been on top of my credit since then but i’ve never had a big amount like an auto loan. Just a few thousand on credit cards. If i accept this loan to help my credit do you think i’d be able to refinance in a year? maybe sooner?
Anyone else had a credit limit decrease from American Express lately?
I’ve had good credit for years, always pay on time and never miss a payment. I have credit cards with pretty much each major”””” card company. Today””
Any one know of any loan sharks in st.louis mo?
im trying to find a loan shark in st.louis mo i can repay double
How can I refinance my vehicle with bad credit?
I bought the car in February and have never been late on payments. I had successfully bought two cars in the past. My credit score should be higher. I want to refinance this vehicle into a lower interest rate and lower payments. All websites claim to help with bad credit dont help me. I tried going back to the bank that loaned me the money but i would have to do a walk in and that i cant do cause its in Hawaii and I am in Tennessee. What are my other options?
Free movies online that do not require a credit card?

Can anyone help me…. Im in need of a $900 loan.?
I have $25,000 waiting on me but, I can’t receive unless I put insurance on it and the insurance is $900. I really need to get a loan the $25,000 will be used to pay off my bills so I will have just on payment.””
Can anyone help explain these credit card terms?
Need someones help with explaining these credit card terms in the simplist form possible thanks appricate it! =] Purchase APR: 19.8% variable APR- Does this mean I’ll be charged for everytime i buy something? Transfer APR: 19.8% variable APR- what does this mean? If anyone can help i’d really appricate it! =]
Okay, so. I’m really desperate, I really want to get tickets to see my favorite band because they might split up soon. The problem is that nobody in my family has a credit card, so I can’t get any tickets. I was wondering, if I buy a prepaid visa or something, will I be able to buy tickets or will I not?””
Best auto loans financing???
i also have a credit score of 690–700 im not sure but its around there.

How long should it take before Best Buy credits my account?
I returned an item at Best Buy on the 12th, today is the 16th, and the refund still has not appeared on my account. It was purchased with a Visa Debit card.””

“”If you go into Bankruptcy, as individual, can you start your own business later on, or there are restrictions?

Can my bank charge me for attorney fees?
I filed bankruptcy, but told the bank I will contiune to pay my loan with them, then I decieded not to go thru with the bk in mean time the bank closed my account and contacted a lawyer. After my bk was dismissed my account was open back up no miss payment on my loan with the bank, put they said because they were charge attorney fees they had to pass them on to me.””
What’s the best free VPN app for android?


Is there a website i can ACTUALLY get my credit score for free?
went to free credit report. of course the score costs a dollar. not a big fan of putting my card on the internet for simple things like this. trying to figure out if its good enough to get a loan for school. I bought a $13000 car. Any idea how much this helps for a loan. thanks
I keep getting weird phone calls?
Thank you for the advice everyone. It is just a scam, there was actually something about it on the news and a few of my friends have actually been getting the same calls. Apparently with US doing so much outsourcing, any information we put online is accessible to pretty much anyone.. im glad i know that now! I do have a droid phone and ilive in Pa, nowhere near CA, so i called verizon and had the numbers blocked and if anyone gets messages or phone calls like this they are definatley not legitimate.. just trying to scam you out of money claiming you owe them! Thanks again!””
I am working with an consolidation program with my payday loans is this something i can work out on my own?
i have 3 payday loans and can not afford to pay them all right now
I want to get my name off of my car loan that I share with my ex?
My ex and I bought a car together, and I have been making the payments. I want to get a better car with a lower interest rate and let him take over the payments and have this car. is there any way I can do that and get my name off the loan?””
“How long can you finance a motorcycle for?

I was looking at getting one of the Ducati 848s towards the end of the summer. Does anyone know how long you can finance a bike for? Is it the same way as with cars? And what is the general interest rates? thanks

Need advice on today’s mortgage rates?
what would be a good rate today in getting a mortgage? purchase price$220.000. investment property. 20% down payment . 30 years. $170000 mortgage loan . thank you for your response. location is in SANTA MARIA,CA,93458””
What is the difference between cash rate and interest rate?
I’m an economic student in high school and I have come across both these terms before but have no idea what the difference is or if it is all the same. If you could explain it to me in simple terms that would be great :D
Best bankruptcy lawyer in Las Vegas?
I am looking for the best bankruptcy lawyer in las vegas that won’t cost me and arm and a leg since I obviously don’t have the money. And possibly someone who takes payments, although I think most of them do. Any suggestions?””
“”Good credit, low income, co-signer auto loan question?””
hello all! so, i have a good credit score, but low income roughly 1k a month (hard to work anymore while attending full time classes) the dealership came back to me by saying my income was a little short, and they would like to see 2k a month for financing would it be better to go with my dad as a co-signer, who has bad credit (500's), but high income or a friend who has good credit, but about the same income as me 1k/month i know my dad cosigning would shoot my APR up but, would the dealer take into account my cosigners income along with my own? 1k+1k = 2k (the requirement)?””
“”Is there a Cash loan place in columbus,oh I can use without a bank account other than advance america?””
I dont have a bank account but i need a payday cash loan,where can i go?I used advance america already now i need more money.””
“”I have a credit score of 669, is that good enough to buy a house? If it how much of a loan could I get?””
It will be my first house that I will be buying and I was thinkin around maybe $130,000 for the house. HELP””
Can you get a car loan on a car that you already own?
I plan to purchase a new car. I would like to finance a portion of the purchase through a credit union. If I buy the car with cash (actually a check), would a credit union or back have a problem giving me a loan after I already own the car (assuming that I qualify)? To clarify — I’m just not sure if I need to get the loan before I buy the car, or if it can be done afterward.””
How can a person qualify for low interest credit cards after chapter 7 bankruptcy?

“”If i file for bankruptcy and include my payday loan, can they still deposit my check ?
I don’t want them to be able to send my check to the bank and me be charged additional fees for it. or will they have to just hold the check or what will happen.
Care credit card cash advance?
i need to take a cash advance out…. my care credit card holders agreement mention stuff about cash advances.. it does not specify anything , other then payment terms. i went to the atm… use my care credit card… it asked me for a pin…. so i took a guess.. and put in my regualr bank card pin…. the same screen comes up that comes up with my regular banj card… i hit withdraw 100 dollars…….. and then it said invalid card”””” is there any way to take a cash advance out on my care credit card?.. and how please.. we are desperly for money to hold us over untill the my next pay check comming up””””””
Cheapest way to Ship a car?
Hello, I have Honda Odyssey Van in BainBridge Georgia and I want to ship it to seattle, WA. I want to know if anyone have experience in doing this and know a cheapest company or way to do this. Please leave links to informative sites and companies. Thanks much. =)””
If the US declares bankruptcy will it have enough money to bring the troops back home. where would they go?

Where can i get the best credit card for bad credit?
I made bad decisions when I was 18. But I now need a credit card to help me in emergencies! Where can I get a decent credit card without super interest but will also accommodate my bad credit history?
“”Auto loan at 18,000 at 18% for 48 months?

Can you get two mortgages for 1 house instead of 1 big mortgage?
i am buying the house with another person, so can we each get a mortgage for 300k?””
Refinance auto loan with us bank/cars inc.?
has anyone ever refianced their auto loan with this company? cars inc. who uses us bank to refi your car loan. it says i may be able to lower my apr% to as low as 5.99% and lower my monthly payments. please check out the web site and let me know what you think if you have never heard of them, or let me know what i should do. my current loan is is w/chase is 10.14% and 539.41 monthly payments for 6yrs (72months).""
Who is this loan company that keeps calling me?
this loan company keeps calling me saying i owe them money for a loan that i took from them, i am 100% sure i didn’t take any money from them, they keep threatening to put me in jail and to serve me with papers, they even cursed me out, said they were going to f**k my daughter and wife hard, things like that. I am not scared, just concerned. they keep calling me,is there anyway i can sue for harassment? the location of the number they are calling off says california. Can i sue them? please give me some advice. i really need it.””
How Can I see/Get my free Credit report on line from reliable source?

Auto Loan: Should I pay my 8500 from my savings or just keep making payments until dec 2008?
Whats best? To pay off the auto loan and save approx 700$ over the period of 2 years, or just leave that money in the bank in my savings for emergency?””

Can you use a Navy Federal Cash Rewards Visa at an ATM to get cash?
When I ask this — I do not mean to get the cash back rewards. I want to know if you can use it at the ATM get cash and the balance is then on the card — or can it only be processed electronically? Thanks!
Should I buy a senco stapler if the company just emerged from bankruptcy?

Primerica SMART Loan?
I’m interested in learning what you know about Primerica’s loan program that is backed by Citicorp Trust Bank. Citicorp is a huge financial institution and one would assume if their products were bad it would be all over the news. I keep reading about Primerica’s pyramid structure, but I’m more interested in their mortgage loan program. My neighbor approached me about a refi (since i’m refinancing anyway) and handed me the paperwork for the Smart Loan””””. I researched it and saw SO MUCH bad press about Primerica being a scandelous sceme””
How can you get your credit rating checked free and not have to worry about future charges?
The 3 main credit checking companies ask for your bank acct# so they can bill you if you want to keep their services, and they say you can cancel at anytime within a certain amount of days, but they don’t say how or who to contact, that is, by giving a telephone # or email address, etc., at least, not that I could see when I tried to get my credit rating checked. I didn’t follow through with the checking process because I didn’t trust them: please advise?””
Your identifiers were not found in the NSLDS?
Thank you so much! See I went to the community college by my house and the manager at the Financial Aid office gave me a list of things to do in order to receive the loan. She highlighted the URL on the paper and said I need 1. Master Promisery Note, 2. Entrance Counseling, 3. Online Application (need award letter first). That is what the list of things to do says. But I thought going to that website is where I start since the lady highlighted it on the paper. Am I doing something wrong? I am fairly sure the information I entered on NSLDS is correct.””
“How long can you finance a motorcycle for?

I was looking at getting one of the Ducati 848s towards the end of the summer. Does anyone know how long you can finance a bike for? Is it the same way as with cars? And what is the general interest rates? thanks

