How i rediscovered Freedom in fast digital world?

Mundane Things
3 min readMay 18, 2024
pic credits: to me 🥸, lac annecy 2024.

Hey there, readers!👋 I recently went on a little hiking trip that turned into quite a story. After working nonstop since the pandemic began, my partner finally convinced me to take a break. Here are my thoughts and reflections from that trip. But first, have you ever wondered…

How sometimes your brain just… tingles?

Not because you’re tired, but because it’s buzzing with all the things you’ve done in a day. It’s like your brain’s way of saying,

“Hey, let’s chat about those wild rides!”

Speaking of rides, isn’t it interesting how we’ve evolved from needing horses to get around to just enjoying horseback riding for fun? And now, horse riding is this fancy hobby.

Well, guess what? We’re kind of doing the same thing with other aspects of life!

I recently listened to a podcast where the guest talked about how certain things in life aren’t just tools for us to moan about our daily grind or, you know, sneakily help with chores. It made me think. We’re at a point where finding new ways to engage with the world is super cool and does a bang-up job, but it also makes me wonder about the bigger picture.

Sure, exploring new activities is amazing and all, but



Mundane Things

Ever wondered what would happen if data could predict your day? I'm a data analyst who loves turning everyday questions into fun, data-driven explorations.