Is it possible to scale NodeJS without also scaling the database, specifically MongoDB?

8 min readAug 10, 2024


Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash

Scaling web applications is a fundamental part of software engineering today. In a typical scenario, when an application starts getting more users on-board and evolves in features over time then it has to be able to support increased traffic, performance has to be consistent and high at all times not only that but the reliability also becomes key.

Node. js, it has emerged as the top choice to write scalable web application with its non-blocking event-driven architecture. That being said, there is more to scaling an application than simply adding a few extra servers or upping your Node capacity. js instances. The database (especially a NoSQL database such as MongoDB) is very important for the total scalability of our system.

So, in this article we are going to see if Node. Node.js without also scaling the database, MongoDB in particular. In this, article we will get into the guts of Node.

We also explore different alternatives to scale up, but in this first part we do all the explanations with examples using only node. js and MongoDB resources by presenting problems about scaling as well strategies solutions when it comes to getting scalable architecture: Stay tuned for a follow up shortly after this on bottlenecks, and what we can do about it in terms of application layer scaling versus database layer scaling.

Understanding Node. js Scalability

Node. js Event-Driven Architecture

Node. js is based on an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model which makes it appropriate for the data-intensive tasks. This architecture is what enables Node. js and has been the de facto technology to deal with multiple concurrent connections in a way that creates low amount of overhead, which is why it’s one of the most common approaches for building scalable web applications.

Node. As we know that, js is single-threaded event loop waits in background for db queries, file i/o and network requests.implementation. This means that Node. Since js can handle many requests at the same time and not get stuck waiting for a response from something like a database.

Scaling Node.js

Node.js scaling techniques, in general terms Scaling in the context of Node. js, we usually use two types —

1. Scaling Out (Horizontal Scale) : A scale-out, or horizontal scaling approach refers to increasing the power of a single server with more CPU, memory and storage

2. Horizontal scaling (scale out) : Add more Node instances to scale node js servers to distribute the load across multiple machines.

Vertical scaling is a matter of horizontal scalability and means we are limited by the hardware capabilities of single machines, which would in this particular case be quite poor for potential use-cases given that they mostly center around distributed systems. Horizontal scaling in Node. Load balancing, clustering and containerization (i.e — Docker/Kubernetes set-ups etc) are usual approaches to horizontally scaling nodes in node.js.

Few powerful features that make MongoDB highly SUITABLE FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE data handling and scalability.

MongoDB Architecture

MongoDB is a NoSQL database which means it stores data in BSON (Binary JSON) documents. This is useful for Enterprise work which need to massively ingest unstructured data with massive scalability and flexibility.

Sharding is an approach used with large, high-scale MongoDB clusters to partition specific data across the different shards in a cluster. Data is held on each shard which the MongoDB router, named mongos shards to manage (know more about the Shardings here). This enables MongoDB to scale out across many machines, handling bigger datasets etc.

Scaling MongoDB

Similar to Node. In the case of both Node.js and MongoDB, it is possible to scale them up or down (ie as commodity servers).

1. In the context of scaling, Loosely refers to Vertical Scaling which means adding more resources (CPU, memory,storage) in a single MongoDB instance. Such an approach is obviously hardware-bound has fragile scalable returns.

2. Horizontal Scaling: Distributing the data and load on multiple servers by adding more shards. This is the recommended way to scale MongoDB for large-scale applications.

A Sharding Introduction MongoDB’s sharded cluster The primary task of a database software is to access data efficiently and provide accordingly (the basic CRUD operators).

What is the relationship between Node-the server-side run-time — and express- a web application framework? js and MongoDB in Scaling

If an application made in Node. Most of the time when you write columns in js, these are operations like entering and reading data to and from MongoDB. The more the application scales, it causes an increased number of these operations and amounts to place a heavier load on database.

Common Scenarios

1. Scaling Node. js Without Scaling MongoDB:

If you scale your Node. Here you can see that if I scale the nodejs servers horizontally, by adding more instances each instance will have more number of concurrent connections to MongoDB database.

This added load on MongoDB can eventually cause a performance issue should the database is not scaled to manage it.

2. MongoLab — How to scale mongodb without scaling node. js:

When To Scale Up MongoDB, But Not Your Node ~ If you scale MongoDB (add additional shards or resources) but do not continue to add nodes In the case of js servers, you may hit your bottleneck running out at the application layer.

- In this case, the database is able to answer more requests but even if our Node. But js servers would not perform enough to generate queries or process them at the required speed

Why They Are Not Really Divergent Mechanically — and Why Scaling Both is Usually Necessary

Setting up the same thing for both application layer (Node. Balancing out the HTTP layer (express) with its server-side logic in Node.js and the Database layer(MongoDB)results to a pain less system. Scaling a single layer can create bottlenecks because the performance and scalability of an entire web application depend on every aspect being able to work together in harmony.

Can Node. js be scaled? js Without Scaling MongoDB?

Theoretical Possibility

Node is designed to be scaled theoretically. js and leaving the MongoDB part behind, however this is very specific to certain case by use-cases scenarios as well as architectural set up of your application. There are a number of ways to achieve this, including;

1. Efficient Query Design:

Lesson 2 Scaling MongoDB — Creating efficient queries to Mongo reduces the need to scale. Use optimal indexing, query patterns and minimize the number of database calls.

Caching — Use of caching mechanisms (e.g. Redis, Memcached) to offload read operations from MongoDB hence limiting the database scaling as traffic increases

2. Both Read-Heavy Workloads as well Write Heavy Workloads.

Read-Heavy Applications — In applications where reads far outweigh writes, caching can be a very useful way to reduce pressure on MongoDB. Still, in write-heavy use cases we may choose to scale MongoDB up to handle more writes.

3. Rate Limiting and Throttling:

Implement Rate Limiting/Throttling: It can prevent the application from bombarding too many requests to overheads database within short span of time. This can be very handy in cases where scaling the database is not directly possible.

4. Asynchronous Processing:

Moving CPU-heavy processing to the background via jobs/queues can lower immediate workload on MongoDB making Node. The common factor you would find among all these projects is that they allow Nested Widgets in JavaScript to a certain degree so I took away from this and tried something similar. For instance, asynchronously processing tasks that use writes in the database long term (no need to immediately handle it) can lessen MongoDB’s real-time scaling requirements along with Node. js.

Practical Limitations

As mentioned, it is possible in theory to scale Node. In real-world applications, this approach is much more difficult to accomplish and you’ll discover that while technically feasible when working with the

1. Database as the Bottleneck:

Every database is a bottleneck for most web applications because persistence of data has to be done at some layer. With an increasing amount of traffic, the database needs to be able to receive more queries rendering a single MongoDB instance insufficient.

2. Data Growth:

Product Data/Users → MongoDb (grows as app grows i.e on scale) But In some cases even with efficient query design and caching approach a single mongo db instance may not be serve the high volume of data and queries so, we need MongoDB horizontal scaling called sharding.

3. Limited Impact of Caching:

Caching is one of the solutions to reduce read load which can be particularly effective, but write-heavy loads will have less impact. However write-heavy applications still need to have MongoDB scales so it can handle the additional traffic.

4. Difficulty of Managing Elasticity Independentlyscaled ESB structures are inherently more complex.

Independently Scaling Node js and MongoDB can introduce complexity in the application architecture. It is necessary to monitor closely, load test and balance in a way that neither layer collapses as the other scales.

Balanced Scalability Strategies

In order to have more balanced scalability from Node. If you are using MEAN stack with nodejs and MongoDB somewhere in your project, try one of these:

1. Load Testing and Monitoring:

– Conduct load testing periodically to find out possible bottlenecks in both Node. js and MongoDB. Monitoring tools: provide metrics to track performance (like query response time, database CPU usage and memory).

2. Database Optimization:

For the optimization of MongoDB based on suitable indexes, query performance advisories and schema design. Reduce the number of round trips between Node by utilizing MongoDBs aggregation framework for those more complex queries. js and MongoDB.

3. Sharding and Replication:

Use sharding of MongoDB to divide the data among many servers, which let DB scales horizontally. Replication- Replication can be additionally used to scale out the read capacity & create a highly available/ fault tolerant elastic load.

4. Decoupling Services:

Decouple services in your application architecture to decrease the load on MongoDB. Such as microservices architecture that allows us to scale different services independently based on the requirements.

5. Caching Layer:

User a cache layer to reduce the load on MongoDB. Store frequently accessed data in distributed caches such as Redis or Memcached so that you do not hit the database for repeated queries.

6. Queues and Asynchronous Processing

Take the load off intensive or non-critical operations by queuing and backgrounding. The former reduces burden on MongoDB directly and allows Node. js to support more concurrent requests.

7. Database Connection Pooling:

Use connection pooling to handle database connections & reuse them efficiently. This can help in smoothening the overhead of setting up new connections for every request which could enhance performance and scalability at scale.


Wrapping up, it is possible to scale Node. In other cases, such as without scaling MongoDB and with js it is a hard thing to do depending on the use case, architecture or workload characteristics. In general, the scalability of application and database are closely related, scaling one without considering other will end up as bottlenecked performance issues.

So even when you decide to balance your architecture, remember that it is not just the application layer but also the database layer. This means bettering queries, caching needed information across nearest location and sharing workloads through using sharding, as well as separating services to scatter overhead. Through meticulous analyses and improvement monitoring.




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