The Switch. Three factors that help graphic designers scale faster in the UX field.

3 min readOct 20, 2021


With the Emergence of tech related skills and jobs, craftsmen like graphic designers are taking the switch into UI/UX in search of bigger gigs and opportunities.

Moving from a world where aesthetics is king to a world where functionality and usability precedes aesthetics, For some designers it’s an easy migration while for the others seeing and creating designs beyond the boundaries of beauty and colors tends to be a challenge.

Let’s take a look at 3 factors that helps graphics designers scale faster in the UI/UX field

  1. Understanding the difference

While graphics design stresses the perspective of a designer towards a client’s need, UI/UX unearths the what, why and how users will interact with an interface.

The end product of UI/UX is interactive process based while the end product of graphics design is visually static.

The switch is made easier when designers shift their paradigm from educating users about a possible danger by designing a sign post to creating an end to end experience where the users don’t have to make a mistake in the first place.

2. Unlearn and relearn

The challenge of unlearning what you already know as a graphics designer and relearning almost the same principles but from a different standpoint is key.

Unlearning debunks previous knowledge and creates space for learning new things while relearning arouses curiosity and stimulates insight.

Some basic ideologies to be unlearned and relearned are

Unlearn the multiple use of typography and relearn its functional use.

Unlearn the heavy use of colors and relearn its subtle use.

Unlearn the perspective of self expression and relearn the principles of consistency.

The list goes on and on , however the switch is made easier when a designer constantly finds areas that need unlearning and relearn to grow faster and effectively.

3. Users first

The world of experience and interface design revolves around creating products which affords the user very minimal effort in achieving their goals.

Effective products are built when users are considered first in the design process, this helps designers focus on delivering products that specifically relieves a user’s pain.

Although most clients prioritize their business goals over their users’ needs, designers must be able to educate clients about the benefits of putting users first.

The switch is made easier when designers consider the process and experiences users go through in achieving their goals through their products and services.

Designers can scale faster when they clearly understand the difference in thinking patterns, Unlearn old paradigms and relearn best practices, and considering their Users first in all design decisions.




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