PHP Illuminate Database: Powerful ORM and Query Builder Without Laravel

True Facts
3 min readAug 30, 2024

Are you a PHP developer seeking the power of Laravel’s database tools without the full framework? Good news! Illuminate Database, the backbone of Laravel’s database operations, can be used as a standalone package in any PHP project. This guide will show you how to harness this powerful database abstraction layer and ORM without needing to use Laravel.

Why Use Illuminate Database Without Laravel?

Illuminate Database offers several advantages for PHP projects, even without Laravel:

  1. Framework Independence: Use Laravel’s powerful database tools in any PHP project, without the full Laravel framework.
  2. Powerful ORM: Eloquent ORM simplifies database interactions, making your code cleaner and more maintainable.
  3. Flexible Query Builder: Construct complex SQL queries with an intuitive, fluent interface.
  4. Database Agnostic: Works seamlessly with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server.
  5. Security-Focused: Provides robust protection against SQL injection and other common vulnerabilities.
  6. Performance Optimized: Offers efficient query execution and connection handling for high-speed operations.



True Facts

Code wizard: Conjuring spells with Go, Node.js, C++, C#. Data alchemist in MSSQL and Elasticsearch. Master of the dark arts of backend.