How to apply Citibank Student Loan?

24 min readMar 21, 2019


How to apply Citibank Student Loan?

Citibank Student Loan info.

Answer : I would recommend you to try this site where you can get from the best companies: .

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“How to apply Citibank Student Loan?

Citibank Student Loan info.

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0% APR for the first 7 months & then 18% APR after that … can you give me an educated guess as to what my MINIMUM monthly payments would be? and what happens if you don’t pay for a few months? My CC company says the charge is 39$ for a late fee… so if i dont pay for 3 months does that mean I will have to pay 3 minimum monthly payments plus 39x3?
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Can you convert a 2nd mortgage to a personal unsecured loan?
I have a primary mortage of $180k ($1600/mo including prop. tax over 30 yrs), a 2nd mortage of 97k (850/mo over 20yrs), and another 2nd of 27k(400/mo over 7yrs) I have a house valued at 300–310k. My income is ~110k which nets me around 6k a month. My total credit card payments are $1500/mo (60k). Right now I am over my head in payments. I plan on selling my house but to avoid a short sale or worse, can I negotiate with my 2nd mortage (the 27k over 7 yrs) to convert that into an unsecured personal loan? If I sell my house, I plan on living with family for a little so I would free up a lot of income, but it would help to sell the house and get some $ left over assuming I can convert the 2nd mortage? Will the bank agree to it? It would mean my debt load once the house is sold would only be 87k which is not too bad with my income I think.””

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Is a safe website to use to check my credit?
I always see the commercials for it and the last time I went to the bank they told me I had no credit so I couldn’t get a credit card, but now I want to try and apply for a Target card, but I want to check my credit report and make sure there are no surprises…you always here those stories of people who go to apply for something and they can’t because they’re thousands of dollars in debt due to idenity theft and I just want to make sure mine is ok still.””
What if the car dealership wants to break the contract?
So I made my vehicle purchase 10 days ago. Got everything, every little detail down on a contract and signed by both parties. Today I get a call from the dealership saying something that they cannot honor the APR quoted on the contract as they cannot get a bank to finance me with my credit score. Can they do this? I already put my downpayment and more importantly, We did sign a contract. Something is wrong I think. All advice is appreciated.””
Personal Loans After Bankruptcy?

Bank EMI — SBI chennai — holiday period?
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How do I find out my credit score and monitor it??
I have gone to TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax but they only gave me my credit REPORT and NONE gave me my credit SCORE. I want to know my credit SCORE and monitor it. I’ve seen other questions on here asking How do I find out my credit score?”””” and people say go to well that didn’t work for me. So unless you know from personal experience that a website will give me my credit SCORE please don’t answer. AND DON’T ANSWER SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT TRANSUNION””
How will filing bankruptcy with a co signer on my student loan work?
We were just notified that my husband’s student loans are delinquent. Long story. They are private student loans and most of them he took out before I met him. His father is the cosigner. The amount of money we have to pay back is over 100,000.00 and we are already a struggling one-income family. IF we were to look into bankruptcy, would the private loans automatically transfer to the co-signer like it would a mortgage? Or is there another way? I’d appreciate any tips.””
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Cash Advance APR.. how to figure out how much I’ll get in interest?
So I need to get $1,300 to drop on an apartment deposit and first month’s rent (I don’t have it off the bat, and I can’t get a loan! I hate being a student..). I already have a balance of $1800 on my card, and my APR is real low, like 12% I think. Since there are no promos right now or checks with my bank statement, I think I’m going to have to go to an ATM and withdraw this money (AHH!!!). The APR on Cash Advances is 19.99%. So I figure that as I’m paying off my balance, the money will go to the lower interest balances before the higher (thanks lenders). How do I figure the interest on this $1300? I can’t figure out the math. And, does anyone have any other suggestions on how to do this smartly? I’m feeling pretty stuck. Thanks!””
Were can I find the 3 copies of the letters you much send to the credit agencies to repair credit?
The first letter is a formal complaint that they are reporting inaccurate c infor. Letter 2 is a Dispute Letter. All my debt is 10–30 years old how do I freeze my interest and learn about statues of limitations on debts?
“How to apply Citibank Student Loan?

Citibank Student Loan info.


What is a coinsurance rate ?
What does it mean if the coinsurance rate is 0 % ? Does it mean all my medical service are 100% covered ? If it’s 30% — does it mean I have to pay 30% ? What are the advantages of having different coinsurance rates ? If they cover one area such as hospital services — do they skimp out on other areas such as prescription ?
How can I build up my credit?
I’m 18 years old, straight our of high school, and make a great wage, but I’m unable to get a credit card because I have no credit history? What are some easy ways to build up my credit rating? Thanks””
Just got approved for Capital One Blank check auto loan?
havent actually gotten the check and used it yet. My question is how long can I shop for a better rate before my credit gets dinged more than once? I assume that even if I am approved from Capital One but havent used the loan yet that my credit only shows an inquiry? Is that correct? Does Capital One usually have better rates than what dealers might offer?
What is a free site for valuing commercial properties like does for houses?
Zillow is used by realtors and mortgage professionals to quickly check the market value of a home. There must be a site that does this for commercial property. Zillow is free. I am looking for the commercial equivalent of Zillow. All I can find is softwares and reports to purchase.

Which would better increase the chances of an auto loan approval?
We applied for an auto loan and was denied due to too much debt already (we just had a baby a few weeks ago) but are receiving our tax return this week. We are paying off two of our biggest debts and still have about $1400 left over. Would it be better to put the $1400 toward the car and reduce the loan amount we’re asking for, or to pay it on our student loan (the only other debt we have aside from the loan on our only other car) and drastically reduce the amount owed on it so it shows we have less debt? Any advice would be appreciated. We really need two vehicles with a baby, especially since the first is a 2 door and the trunk is so small the stroller won’t even fit in it! Also, does anyone know how long it would take to show on our credit report that those loans/debts have been paid off?””
What kind of interest rate can you get with a 725 credit score for an auto loan?
Auto Loan Question above. Thanks
Question about Payday Loans?
I was curious is there anyway to get a loan for like $250-$300 without a paycheck stub. I have a bank account (no checks) i am employed but waiting for contra costa county to finish their crap. I realy need to get my car up and running but it will be another 2 weeks until i get paid i was told. I will be getting around $1500 when i do though. Any info would be awsome.
Will my credit lower his?
My husband and I are newly weds. He has amazing credit but I don’t. I don’t have any debts and I can’t get approved any credit cards or loans. We don’t have anything together, yet. I really don’t want to until my score gets better. Will my credit lower his, if we do?””
How does bankruptcy afffect your checking account?


Haven’t paid mortgage in 10 months And got a foreclosure notice in the mail what do I do?
So my close friend is in a really bad situation that she thinks isn’t that bad. She hasn’t paid her mortgage in 10–11 months and she owns the house and she keeps getting letters in the mail/phone calls telling her that her payment was late. About 2 days ago she got a letter in the mail from country wide saying that she owes $20,000 by May 16th or they will start foreclosure proceedings. She is stuck in a mindset that she will not lose her house because her house doesn’t have any equity but I am not sure if that is true or not. She is in about $500,000 in debt for the house and she is thinking about just filing bankruptcy but I have a feeling she will still lose her house. She is on unemployment and many people are calling her and sending mail about all of her bills being paid late. She thinks that She will not lose her house because there are other options. I tried telling her that she should sell her car because she will get about $20,000 and she can just use her old car she used to have that she is letting her son borrow but she said she can’t live without her car. I told her that she won’t even be able to pay for that car when she goes through foreclosure and that she can’t just live in her car if she loses the house. If she sells her car and gives the bank the 20K she will be in the clear for a little bit. But she also hasn’t paid her taxes in god knows how long. She isn’t making an effort to contact the people to see her options but I have a feeling she doesn’t have any options. If she files bankruptcy won’t she still lose her house? And won’t they still put her house through foreclosure if she doesn’t have any equity? I would like a lot of information for what she can do to try and save her house, and I would like to get my facts straight. Im also trying to tell her that she should have gotten this notice a long time ago and I don’t think they are going to make it easy”””” on her because she is almost a year behind in payments. She doesn’t care about her credit either so thats why she doesn’t care if she files bankruptcy. She has already filed bankruptcy before in the past. Please give me information about this. Thank you.””””””
Exactly how bad was the Carter administration?
They keep on comparing him to Obama, so i was wondering why””
Rate of change and reaction?
Question 1 (.34 points) The rate of change of [B] is -0.096 M/min. What is the rate of reaction for the following reaction in M/min? 2A + 5B 3C + 7D If the rate of change of [C] is 0.169 M/min. What is the rate of change of [A] in M/s?
Where to get a loan for 5000?
My husband and I are currently sharing one vehicle, which is becoming harder and harder since we work opposite schedules. I’m really wanting an older jeep for 5 or 6000 (I already have 1000 saved up), but I can’t get a loan anywhere. It always says I have insufficient credit or insufficient funds (I make 12000 a year). My credit score is 640..which isn’t great but it’s not horrible either. I’m desperate now, I can obviously afford this, I’ve already calculated it to be about 155 a month, but no one will give me the loan! My husband is military so we have guaranteed money, and we don’t have rent or anything because we live on base. Any suggestions would be great..I’ve seen online loans, but I’m not sure if they can be trusted.””
Will closing my US Bank credit card and attaining another credit card hurt my credit score?
To start, I am nineteen years old. I have had my credit card since October of 2007. I have never had a late payment and always pay more than the minimum payment. I received a letter from US Bank today stating that my interest rated is going from 10.9 percent to 29.9 percent. There was no explanation given for this, but the letter stated that it is happening to everyone and that I am not being singled out. THIS RATE IS WAY TOO HIGH! I’d like to close my account with them and find another credit card with better rates, as well as better rewards. I use my credit card for everything, because I usually pay off my payment in full monthly. I figured that if I am spending money anyway then I might as well get points and rewards for it. Will closing the U.S. bank credit card and opening a Discover card hurt my credit? I don’t want my score to lower, but in the case of an emergency, I don’t want to pay 30 percent interest either. The U.S. bank card is the only credit card I have. Thank you in advance.””

“”Making $10/h, can I afford a $16,000 car?
Additional I live with my parents who are both in the military. I have no others bills to pay besides a 50 dollar phone bill. I’m not to sure on how credit scores work seeing how I’m just starting out to build credit.
Is there any truly free way to check your credit?

“”If I file for bankruptcy, how would that affect my bank account?””
If I file for either kind of bankruptcy, would I still be able to keep my checking account? I have excellent credit with my bank and I wouldn’t want to jeopardize that.””
Can somebody cosign for an auto loan with a pre existing auto loan that’s still being paid off?

I need to know about my credit in terms of my chances of getting a auto loan with my credit union?
Here is the story, Sometime in January of this year I was turned down for a auto loan for $16,000 for the 2008 Chevrolet Impala LT, so I plan on Re-Applying again for the loan this summer, but here is the thing, Last year I was going through a Financial slump and I wasn’t able to pay my credit card bill on time and at times I wasn’t able to pay, but in December of 2008 My credit card company put me on a program to get me under my credit limit because through out those times those fees that my credit card company has charged me, got me over my credit limit, so that is why they put me in the program. Since December I was able to pay all my credit card bills to get me back under my credit limit and current with them once again. My Question is, If I pay all my bills on time from now until lets say, June will It be a better chance for me to get the auto loan at my credit union for the 08 Impala? I am really trying to get it this summer and I am doing all I can do to pay all my bills on time to have a better chance for me to get the loan. My credit union is offering 5.5% interest rat to pay back the loan. So do I still have a chance? Thanks a lot.””
Student loan?
I have bad credit but I want to go back to school and need a loan. Any ideas other than bank loans?
I have a chapter 7 bankruptcy that was discharged?
I have a chapter 7 bankruptcy that was discharged in 2009 april….i have a company who is now trying to collect their debt that was discharged….they have even put it on my credit and I was actually denied a car loan due to this debt…..can I do anything to them legaly…ie…sue them or somthing and it should be their resposability to fix this on my credit right.
“How to apply Citibank Student Loan?

Citibank Student Loan info.

I was not accepted for a student credit card by Chase?!?
First off, My Take On It””””… That was disrespectful and completely unnecessary. You must have something against people who are doing better than you financially and that’s not a healthy outlook on life. This question wasn’t a way to attack you insecure people””
Who will loan to a person with bad credit?
i have a bad credit rating from a old relationship and now i cant get any credit
Bankruptcy and rebuilding your credit rating.?
I was declared bankrupt about 4 years ago and discharged 6 months later. Since then I have had a current account which I have been running in good order. However, I recently tried applying for credit and was refused on the basis that there was still some issues with my credit rating. Is this due to the bankruptcy still? A friend told me that I needed to obtain something from the court stating I was bankrupt in order for me to be able to apply for credit again, is this the case?””
Sisters Payday loans?
My Sister in over her head with payday loans, I am trying to figure out a way to help her, can anyone tell me how they have delt with payday loan companies?””

I have a open auto loan can i get another one with a 545 credit score?

Rate proportional word problem?
by the way the answer is 15.81, but i don’t know how to get there.””

Accounting help (Liabilities)?
You and several classmates are studying for the next accounting examination. They ask you to answer the following questions: If cash is borrowed on a $71,440, 9-month, 12% note on August 1, how much interest expense would be incurred by December 31? $ The cash register total including sales taxes is $45,885, and the sales tax rate is 5%. What is the sales taxes payable? $ If $47,040 is collected in advance on November 1 for 6-month magazine subscriptions, what amount of subscription revenue is earned by December 31?””

What happened to the free credit report band?


I need a small business loan but I have bad credit?
I have an opportunity to obtain a business that can be lucrative. The current owner has no idea how to operate it. The business is worth an estimated $500,000. He is asking $80,000 to get out of it. Problem is I don’t want to use my credit to finance the funds needed for the business. He has given me approval to use the business property as collateral. Any ideas? Thanks””
Just Tried to Check Credit Score?
I went to for my free annual report and entered my information. I checked all 3 credit reporting companies so I can see my credit from all of them. When I went to the Equifax”””” one it said We’re sorry. We experienced a system problem and we are unable to provide your personal credit report for online viewing at this time. You may want to try again later. Now Experian says (Visited)… Does this mean I lost out on my free annual report from Experian?””””””
I need a 3000 dollar loan asap i have a steady job but no credit history please help me?
i have applied to alot of banks but i have been rejected and im not looking for a payday loan. also i dont have a co-signer i just want a legit source that would help me out…
How do you get a cash advance with capital one without a pin number?

Best credit card?
What is the best credit card for someone that has NO credit history?

Are there scammers on Zoosk?
I met this girl on zoosk that supposedly lives close to me, she gave me her email address and we’ve been getting to know each other, she said she was in london on a fashion shoot but wants to meet me in person when she gets back. she just recently said that her check cant clear unril she pays a certain amount of money, her card was declined so she asked me for the money. Well i’ve been scammed before and this sounds very suspicious, i want to believe her because she says a lot of stuff when we talk that doesnt sound like a typical scammer. But. I think she probably is one. so what do you think?””
Need some insight on my mortgage loan situation?
Okay everyone. I filed for bankruptcy in 2005, and it has been discharged now for a little over 2 years. I did the formal application on a mortgage loan (never owned a home), after being prequaled. I did the application on Monday, and my credit score being a 610 and a previous bankruptcy I have been sitting on pins and needles all week. The home I am buying is for 93k, and the tax assesor value is 110k. (I live in oklahoma), I am buying it so cheap because I know the owner and she and her husband are going thru a divorce and the agreed to get out of it fast and to sell it that cheap. Anyways, the seller just called me and said a appraiser is coming tommarow (Sunday), and I have not heard yes or no yet on the loan and it has been 5 days, is it that they are sending a appraiser a good sign that it may be a yes, and if it appraises for 100k plus is that even a better chance of getting the loan. I wouldnt think they would appraise it if they were going to say no, what do you all think””
“”My employer gave me a pay advance, but I didn’t get all of the money that I would have on my paycheck,why?””
My employer has given me a pay advance, resulting from forgetting to put my vacation on the payroll, that I took for a week. So I took the pay advance. But I noticed, I didn’t get all of the money that I would have if they would of put my vacation in the payroll. So I think I got withheld money, ( not just a couple dollars) but I wonder if there allowed to do that. Why would they not give me all of my paycheck? It was there fault for not putting it in payroll. Not mine. And I’m being punished for it,why? My pay advance should be as much as my paycheck,right?””
How do I run a credit check on a potential home buyer (for seller financing purposes)?
Costs, forms, links? Thanks!””
“”Can you remove a name from a auto loan, under these circumstances?””
I co-signed for my daughters car over a year ago. She has been making her payments on time, and now has excellent credit. I would like to start using her car, and make the payments. She would like to get a new car. Can we remove her name from the loan to free her up to get a new loan, because her income would not support 2 car payments?””
If I have a credit score of 700 what are the chances an auto loan’s interest will be around 10%?
I am looking to buy a used Ponitac G6 and I need a low interest rate. My score is 700 and I have credit. Do I have a good chance of getting a low interest rate?
I have a question about getting a free copy of credit report?
I want a free copy of my credit report, so which site should I get it from? If I request my credit report, will it contain all the information from all three nationwide consumer reporting companies including Equifax, Experian, and Transunion? Do I have to request one individually from the three companies or do I just have to order one and everything will be included? How does this work? I’m new at this.””
“How to apply Citibank Student Loan?

Citibank Student Loan info.

