Writing again after a long time

A half-truth that’s completely true

Sebastian Hidalgo
3 min readOct 24, 2019

So here’s you mad writer going at it again, timely as a freakin’ German clock with the Thursday article and pumped because I started writing again.

A new beginning

Wait… what?

“What the hell are you talking about, Sebastian? You write thrice per week, and one of those three times is a short story!”

Yeah, my dear reading pal, you’d be as right as you could be if you just didn’t happen to be wrong, but let me elaborate on that a little bit more… it is true that I’ve been writing quite frequently for the past months, and I’ve been quite disciplined, actually.

However dude, if there’s no lying to myself when I write these articles, there ain’t no lying to you either: you see, these Medium pieces are a great way for me to put my thoughts out there and to — hopefully — entertain your for a good few minutes, but even if I wrote three of them per day I wouldn’t still be actually writing, in my mind.

Random writing

Truth is, if I’m not working on something big I don’t really feel like I’m writing, yet I need these articles and those weekly short stories — Even if it’s all random writing. I need them because they’re practice, especially now that I’m writing exclusively in English.

I will go deeper into the importance of practice next week.
For now, however, suffice to say that writing here is just as important as what happened a few days ago, yet it doesn’t feel like the real thing to me, it is some kind of writing foreplay that drives me crazy and just keeps me there, wanting for more and longing for the real thing even though it is all part of the same, wonderful process.

Real writing

I could be writing short stories, poems and articles 24/7 and still I wouldn’t feel like I’m writing, and this is something I realized only three days ago, when discipline finally awarded me by sending my way a train on inspiration — an opportunity I could not miss, so I sat down and turned on “airplane mode” on my telephone so I could plug off from this world and plug in into a whole other one.

The moment my hands started going off on the keyboard, I felt as if I was pulling a trigger and my mind was the gun firing all those words into the blank page. Once again I fell in love with it, with the feeling of discovering something completely new, with the charming awareness of being the channel between this universe and another one.
It was something smooth and natural, entering into “the zone”.
Flow state took over and I lost myself in something new.
Focus took control of me and I let myself go.

Writing again

I don’t know if this happens to other writers, and if it does I’d love to start a conversation or two about it, but for me writing again after a long time made me feel like I had been holding my breath for a long time and then was able to breath again, taking in vital, fresh air.

Lately I’ve been quite busy working, and I love what I do… but starting my new, big project proved to me once again that no matter what I do or say, the only thing that does really make me feel complete and happy is this kind of writing: novels, long stories, complex worlds and unknown futures.

So yeah, writing again made me feel like I was coming back to life, so here I am people but here I go, too: I have to get back to work but remember — my next novel is officially on its way so kick back, relax and enjoy the trip, ’cause there are a lot of fucking great things coming your way.

Hey, if you liked this article give me some claps and a follow — those kind of things make me really happy.
Also, never forget to stay positive & keep dreaming. Life is cool as fuck.



Sebastian Hidalgo

1995, Italian-Venezuelan novelist. Obsessed with black clothes, becoming a best-selling writer and self-improvement. @hidalgoauthor across all social platforms.