N-Tier/(Layer) Architecture in C#

Hidayat Arghandabi
4 min readSep 8, 2019

N represent a number and It represents the tiers (Layers) of an application. Very common is 3-tier applications. It comprise of 3-tiers, Presentation Layer, Business Logic Layer, and Data Access Layer.

Tiers and Layers are used interchangeably. But specifically, Layers can be applied to the logical structure of the application and Tiers can be applied to the physical structure of the system architecture or infrastructure.

This is a very important subject for a software development engineer. This is a good practice followed by most engineers/ developers in the software industry. I this article, I am explaining each piece of the subject with clear details.

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When an application behavior is split among multiple tiers, these tiers are logically separated. In some cases separate tiers are physically deployed to different devices or different process boundaries on the same device. In which case it called physically separated.

It is not important for separated tiers to be deployed in separate devices.

