Shavasana (Corpse Pose) Yoga & Benefits | Try it Now!

Hidden Mantra
3 min readOct 8, 2023


Welcome to the peaceful world of classical yoga, a practice that is open to all. Today, we will explore Shavasana, also known as the Corpse Pose. This timeless pose embodies the essence of peace within the ancient tradition of yoga.

Shavasana invites you to lie down, relax, and experience a deep sense of stillness. It’s like taking a peaceful pause from the busyness of life to connect with the ancient wisdom of yoga.

As we explore Shavasana, you’ll not only discover its simple yet profound physical benefits but also its ability to bring a sense of calm to your mind and spirit. So, let’s embark on this journey and experience the blissful serenity that classical yoga, through Shavasana, offers to practitioners of all backgrounds.

Shavasana (Corpse Pose) Meaning

The term “Shavasana” is derived from Sanskrit, the ancient language of yoga. Here’s the meaning of “Shavasana” broken down:


The word “Shava” (शव) translates to “corpse” in Sanskrit.


The term “Asana” (आसन) means “pose” or “posture.”

So, when you combine these factors, “Shavasana” can be understood as the “Corpse Pose.” In Shavasana, you lie down on your back in a relaxed and motionless position, similar to a peaceful and resting corpse. This pose represents the ultimate relaxation and surrender, allowing both the body and mind to experience deep stillness and rejuvenation.

Shavasana (Corpse Pose) Yoga Benefits:

  1. Stay in Shavasana — Remain in this relaxed state for at least 5–10 minutes, or longer if you like. Feel a profound sense of calm and rejuvenation.
  2. Awakening — To exit, slowly bring awareness back to your body. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and gently stretch your arms overhead.
  3. Roll to Your Side — Turn onto your right side in a fetal position, keeping your eyes closed.
  4. Return to Sitting — Use your hands to help you sit up slowly.

How to Do Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Shavasana, also known as the Corpse Pose, is a simple yet deeply relaxing yoga pose. Follow these steps to practice it:

Shavasana is a practice of complete surrender and relaxation. It’s a wonderful way to conclude your yoga session, allowing the benefits of your practice to integrate deeply into your body and mind.

Variations of Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Supported Shavasana

Place a folded blanket or cushion under your knees to relieve pressure on the lower back. This variation is especially helpful for those with lower back discomfort.

Scoot your hips close to a wall and extend your legs upward. This variation is excellent for promoting circulation and relieving tired legs.

Corpse Pose with Deep Breathing

Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly as you practice Shavasana. Focus on the rise and fall of your abdomen with each breath, enhancing relaxation.


During Shavasana, engage in guided visualizations or mental journeys to deepen your relaxation. Imagine a tranquil beach, a peaceful forest, or any serene place that resonates with you.

Sound Healing

Listen to soothing music or recorded chants during Shavasana to enhance the meditative experience.

Blanket Cocoon

Cover yourself with a light blanket to create a cocoon-like sensation, enhancing the feeling of comfort and security.

Meditative Shavasana

Combine Shavasana with a brief meditation practice. Focus on your breath or repeat a calming mantra silently.

Props for Support

Use props like an eye pillow, neck roll, or bolster to enhance comfort and relaxation during Shavasana.

These variations allow you to customize your Shavasana experience, making it even more nurturing and restorative. Experiment with different options to find what resonates best with your body and mind.


In the practice of Shavasana, we’ve uncovered a simple yet profound gem from classical yoga. This Corpse Pose reminds us of the importance of rest and rejuvenation. As we lie in stillness, we tap into the power of calmness, offering solace to body, mind, and spirit. Shavasana, often reserved for the end of a yoga session, reflects the holistic nature of yoga, where physical and spiritual dimensions converge.
By embracing Shavasana regularly, we invite peace and serenity. Explore more yoga wisdom on our blog, Hidden Mantra,” and let Shavasana guide you toward a harmonious and balanced life. Namaste!!!

Classical Yoga Asanas or Poses

Originally published at on October 8, 2023.

