How Many Ways, an App Can Track You?

Love or hate it, you should know

Hieu Nguyen (Jack)
The Startup


What apps do you love and excited to use every day? Do you think they use tracking? For most apps, the answer is YES, they use tracking.

Tracking is there to improve the products, services, or prevent server attack and hacking. It collects data from the server, apps on your device, through email, or social media. Either love or hate it, you should be aware of it.

In this post, I will show you some common methods of tracking. Details about how it works, their purposes, and just in case, how to disable it.

1. Server-Side Tracking

Server-side tracking happens on a server. When someone visits a website, the browser will first send a request to the server. Before sending back the webpage, it logs some info on the server.

Without permission, the server can read IP addresses, cookies, traffic sources (from an email campaign, an app, or a source website).

Often, it’s for security reasons, or to improve product and service. For example, the app uses cookies to prevent unauthorized access. Or watch for…



Hieu Nguyen (Jack)
The Startup

A developer & hobbyist photographer. Develop a drop and drag website builder