Olusoga Funmilayo
2 min readNov 17, 2021



Self-discipline means regulating oneself and making corrections to one’s thoughts and behaviours to improve oneself.

There is no place in your life where Self-discipline doesn’t need to be applied. There is no area where Self-discipline has a greater impact on your future than in your work. There is nothing that will bring you more quickly to the attention of people around you than for you to develop a reputation of discipline.

Self-discipline is like a muscle; the more you work on developing it, the stronger it will become.

You can never conquer the mountain. You can only conquer yourself."

Jim Whittaker, American mountaineer and CEO

To be disciplined does not mean that you act according to other people’s rules of conduct or being obedient to others. It means being obedient to yourself, and acting according to your common sense and reason. It means holding onto your plans and not changing them due to laziness and difficulties.

Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals, and then to work toward them every day, will do more to guarantee your success than any other single factor.” -Brian Tracy

One of the most important things you can do to get better at self-discipline is to take small actions. It can seem overwhelming to tackle huge, intimidating projects … so don’t. Instead, tackle easy actions, things so small you can’t say no. Without a doubt, you’ll get better at self-discipline if you focus on small tasks, and break bigger projects into small tasks.

What you can tell yourself is that you’re done running. One small task at a time, push yourself into discomfort. See how it feels. See that you are awesome enough to handle discomfort and that the results are well worth it.

Lack of self-discipline can lead to failure, loss, health problems, unhappiness and lots more.

Always remember that; You’re ambitious. You’re driven. You’re ready to reach your goals. There will always be a reason you can’t do something and there’s always a reason you can. You get to choose.

I will like you to ask yourself this question;

Where would a little more self-discipline have the greatest impact on my life or success?”

If you want to lead a fulfilled life, make sure you are breaking down SUCCESS on your terms and not other people’s terms. That way, you can be able to apply discipline appropriately to every area of your life.

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Olusoga Funmilayo

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