Who is Greta Thunberg? A Brief Biography

2 min readDec 30, 2022


By now you have no doubt heard the name Greta Thunberg. But who is she and why is she important?

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist who first gained international recognition in August 2018, when at the age of 15 she began protesting outside of the Swedish Parliament to demand stronger action on climate change.

Thunberg was born on January 3, 2003 in Stockholm, Sweden. Her parents, Svante Thunberg and Malena Ernman, are both well-known figures in Sweden; Svante is an actor and Malena is an opera singer. Thunberg has been described as a shy and introverted child, and she struggled with several mental health issues, including Asperger’s syndrome, depression, and selective mutism, a condition in which a person is unable to speak in certain social situations.

Despite her struggles, Thunberg became passionate about environmental issues at a young age. She has said that she was inspired by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which include targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. In August 2018, she began protesting outside of the Swedish Parliament every school day, holding up a sign that read “School strike for the climate.”

Thunberg’s one-person protest quickly gained attention, and she soon inspired a movement of young people around the world to join her in protesting for stronger action on climate change. The movement, which became known as the “Fridays for Future” movement, saw students in over 100 countries participating in strikes and protests.

Thunberg’s activism has been recognized with several awards and accolades. In 2019, she was named one of Time magazine’s “Most Influential People” and was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. She has also received the Right Livelihood Award, sometimes referred to as the “Alternative Nobel,” and the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity.

In addition to her activism, Thunberg is also known for her public speaking and her strong and unwavering message on the urgency of addressing climate change. She has addressed numerous international conferences and events, including the United Nations Climate Action Summit and the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. She has also met with several world leaders, including Pope Francis and President Emmanuel Macron of France.

Despite her young age, Thunberg has become one of the most visible and influential voices in the fight against climate change. She has inspired millions of people around the world to take action on this critical issue, and her activism has helped to bring the issue of climate change to the forefront of the global conversation.

Most recently, Thunberg was dragged into the human trafficking case of online influencer and UK kickboxer Andrew Tate, thanks in part to their Twitter feud. Tate was arrested on December 29, 2022 in that case.

