H. Nemesis Nyx
2 min readApr 30, 2016


I’m sorry, this is simply not the truth. You are in a mental torture chamber — but that doesn’t mean you aren’t good fit for this universe. Again, that is your pain talking. It isn’t YOU. I care about you enough to straight up say, nope, not buying that shit. Not at all. You are here for a reason. Look at my words. Really look at them all. What do you see? Do you think I am lying to you? I would never do that and I wouldn’t sit here on this silly machine trying to reach through it and hold you. I LOVE YOU. Ok? You are loved. You also have to love yourself enough to know you do fit. You have to love yourself. You are loved by countless people reading and watching this, many of whom are simply too afraid to comment. They are worried about you. They don’t want to say the wrong thing so they say nothing at all. That isn’t about you or what they think of you beyond them wanting so much, just like I do for you to be safe, happy and whole. We love you. So this is bullshit. Your pain and you are not the same. Your torture chamber is not unbreakable. It is a chamber, made of glass, it looks like you have nothing to use to break through it, but that isn’t true. You have us. We are here, on the other side of the glass. You bang on it from your side, we will bang on it from ours UNTIL WE GET YOU OUT. And we will. And you will know you are loved. You will know you can be free and that chamber will still be there, but it will have a door. You will be able to go in and out of it — by choice when you need a release. There are people in this world who can teach you how to do this — just as they have taught me. I am no better than you, I am not any smarter and I don’t learn easily. This is just like anything else, if you can learn one thing, you can learn another, but you have to believe you deserve to learn it, before it can be taught. I know you are washed of trust, but honestly, myself and countless others are BANGING ON YOUR GLASS. We are only asking one thing of you — that you bang right back. I love you. Ok? We love you. YOU ARE LOVED. YOU FIT HERE. OK?


