
Stupid Claps

H. Nemesis Nyx


I’m a little shocked at myself for clapping so much for a guy not ok with others having an abortion.

But, here I am.

It seems more and more I find myself aligned with conservative people — people I don’t agree with on everything — but those I can relate to better than the clown show I see all around me.

I hate the abortion issue. With a passion. The reason is simple — other people’s reproductive health choices aren’t my business anymore than it’s my business if others’ have a liver problem.

I don’t get why conservatives are so stuck on wanting to outlaw abortion because they judge abortion bad. Or because the Bible says it is (which we can debate whether or not that’s the case another time).

What is to debate here, really?

Doesn’t everyone think abortion is bad?

Even people like me who think a woman should have access to them at will for any reason at all? I don’t think that because I LIKE abortion.

I think that because I respect that woman’s right to privacy. I think that because I know that with every regulation there is administrative work that grows our government; and that’s not the kind of work I want my government doing.

See, I think we can agree on the regulation part. I think we can agree on the right to privacy overall. I think we can agree on the additional bulk in government we don’t want.

Regarding a million things.

What I struggle to understand is why abortion is any different. What’s confusing is how even though the federal government said the violation of privacy that would have to occur to enforce laws against abortion is unconstitutional — there are those who don’t accept that ruling. Why, given that it’s largely a state determined issue is this even a issue that can be used in anyway to separate those of us who agree on so many other things?

Because I see it as an issue used to divide us more than an issue any politician genuinely cares about. The ruling has been made. So why is this even a thing anymore?

I agree with you, abortion sucks.

I just don’t think I have any right to deny a woman — who knows her own circumstances better than I ever could and determines she needs one — her right to agency over her own body.

I once was that woman. I’m grateful that I was able to get the medical care I needed as a 19 year old with no means and lacking the maturity I needed to raise a baby. It sucked.

It was the hardest choice I have ever made.

I also know my sister who had a child who only lived 2 weeks refused tests during my niece’s gestation because she was not going to terminate her pregnancy.

Long story short:

The doctors knew the baby wasn’t going to live long and pressured my sister to have an amnio. When asked what difference the results would make she was told that she would have the option to terminate her pregnancy if the test showed what the doctors already knew.

She refused. She was not going to terminate the pregnancy no matter what the test results said. The amino would only risk her child’s life, it wasn’t worth it. Given that,

terminating her pregnancy was the only “treatment” available to her.

We know that’s not a real option, but we know that some women courageously choose that option over what my sister and my family endured — what my niece went through during her short time on this Earth. Time she used to the fullest. I’m glad my sister didn’t terminate her pregnancy. I thank god I got to meet my niece. And yet, I can understand the regret my sister feels in what she witnessed as my niece’s unnecessary suffering. The selfishness she feels haunts her looking back on the struggle my niece bravely endured.

Still, I admire the strength and courage it took of my sister to refuse anyway. I support her right to make that choice because that was best for her and her family; for our whole family.

The coin flips both ways…

As soon as we make laws around medical decisions we are inserting ourselves in other people’s lives in a way I just cannot support. I feel like this is something we should be able to agree on. I don’t understand why this creates such a sea of difference between us.

But, I respect your position even if I don’t understand it held up alongside the rest of your views.

My hands hurt for the clapping on this post because I sincerely appreciate you taking a stand for what conservative values really are.

I never thought I would, but I do miss George W. Bush something awful right now. Even Mitt. I miss that guy too.



