That is very BIG thought.

H. Nemesis Nyx
2 min readOct 14, 2016


I hear you. It is a good perspective in my humble opinion. It is similar to how I think about things as well.

In my mind we try way too hard to make God like us, instead of understanding that we CANNOT understand that BIG VASTNESS.

Judging is strictly prohibited, yet we judge. Hell, there are 614 commandments in the Torah, we don’t follow them. We have so much trouble following even the ‘Big Ten’ that we use Jesus as a shield to comfort ourselves in our selfish behavior.

We see this in all things humans are involved in, not just abortion. What is this thing?

— I call it arrogance. —

To me arrogance is the only thing that could allow for our tendency to want to control others, to put ourselves in what we *think* is the position of God and judge others.

I was agnostic for a very long time. I am not anymore. I’ve seen enough to know that God is very real. I have faith in that as a fact.

BUT! I do not know everything about God. I know that God meets us where we are, with all the imagery, ritual and likeness of those God engages — I believe God engages everyone — and I believe God has many paths. I believe agnosticism and atheism are also paths to God in their own right.

To be agnostic, one must lack arrogance. To be atheistic, one must not require a promised reward for good deeds, yet do good deeds anyway.

To me, both of those things are representations of the Divine at work in people. I love the way God shows up everywhere. I like how God shows up in you too.

-Cyborg 🌺

