H. Nemesis Nyx
1 min readApr 28, 2017


“Trigger” is a medical term for people who have a brain injury called PTSD or TBI.

It has not the smallest bit to do with trying to avoid “hurt feelings” or “upsetting” grown people.

It is to be inclusive of people who have disabilities in the classroom.

I’m sure it was foreign when we first brought ALS interpreters into the classroom too. Only I’m sure no one accused those without the ability to hear of not being adults.

It is about a medical condition. We lose 24 veterans to suicide A DAY in this country. Most are struggling with PTSD or TBI and suicide feels like their only out.

But, sure, let’s not let them know in advance that the movie they are about to watch has scenes with IEDs going off and killing soldiers. Because you just can’t understand why they can’t learn to ‘adult.’

You know what? This whole things is out of control. And you are part of the problem, the ‘trigger warning’ isn’t a problem.

You said empathy a lot. I am not sure that word means what you think it means.

