H. Nemesis Nyx
2 min readApr 12, 2016


Yes, you are wise and smart. I believe that wholly and completely.

My beef has not a thing to do with a bathroom. Not one thing.

I did read that, I do agree. I have tried to be gentle in the past and it didn’t matter. AND I’m angry, clearly. Because I worry, as you know.

The thing that I am bothered by is more about an overall expression regarding minorities on this profile — one minute we say something akin to “People of color need to act like people if they want to be treated equally” and the very same day I read that, I see a post expressing strong support for LBGT.

I cannot reconcile that — I simply cannot. And I have to say something. I tried to let it go, trust me when I tell you I tried so hard. But I cannot do it. I have to speak up. It is wrong to put our standards on others and pick and choose who we are going to be “fair” with…

As always, I go back to what I learned from Jane Elliott (paraphrasing) — “I don’t buy the ‘love’ thing. We’ve had ‘love’ for a long time. But if you love me and don’t treat me fairly, I’m not going to end up loving you.”

This is important. I’m not trying to run anyone off. I like this person’s writings. I find them unique and fresh and interesting — talented. I see value here and I watch it defaced!

That hurts my heart, Ayesha Talib Wissanji. It really does. We can all do better. And we should. Just because someone is a great writer and can be very brave at times, doesn’t mean we should let racism (whether intended or not) fly by our faces unchecked.

I am not capable. And I don’t want to be.

And you can disagree with me and I will love you anyway. All. Damn. Day.

