H. Nemesis Nyx
1 min readNov 15, 2016


Your time, your kindness and your efforts to educate me will not fall on deaf ears. You have been very generous and I know you do not have to do any of it. You have gifted me many times with information that I have found valuable and I have every intension of honoring that gift.

I am very happy that you like what I have written here, but I am not finished. I want to do more. You inspire me, Michon Neal. You make me want to be a better neighbor and friend.

To that end, I plan to spend more time on BLM’s website. I will spend more time googling and fact checking (so I don’t have to bug my friends with questions that are intrusive and triggering). I am going to be more open than ever before to criticism and correction.

I am putting my energy and my money where my mouth is. And when I see the narcissistic behavior of refusing to acknowledge EARNED respect of expertise and experience, I am going to call folks out on that — LOUDLY.

Thank you for reigniting my fire.

With love,


PS — I have to say that I am extremely proud of my tribe here on Medium. We worked together on this and while I personally got a little too worked up over ‘trying to figure it out’ — we did not divide ourselves and I think we are stronger for what we just worked through together.

