Brief Guide on Barbershop Safety Checklist

High End Luxury Barber Shop
3 min readJan 18, 2023


Safety is essential in any workplace, especially when it comes to a busy barbershop. It is important for all staff and customers to be aware of the safety guidelines that are in place so everyone can have an enjoyable and safe experience.

What Potential Safety Hazards Are In The Barbershop?

Safety hazards in the barbershop can include anything from sharp tools and electric clippers to slippery floors and unsanitary conditions. It is important for barbers to take following necessary precautions:

- Wear protective clothing such as gloves, masks, and aprons to reduce risk of contamination.

- Keep all tools and equipment in good condition and regularly sharpen scissors, clippers, etc.

- Disinfect chairs, combs and other items between customers.

- Make sure floors are dry at all times to avoid slips and falls.

- Ensure ventilation is adequate to prevent the spread of airborne diseases.

- Unauthorized personnel should not be allowed in the barbershop, including children or pets.

- Maintain an overall clean environment to reduce risk of infection or contamination.

- Keep a first aid kit on hand in case of emergency.

- Provide adequate lighting to ensure a safe and comfortable environment.

- Barbers should be trained in safety procedures and protocols.

- Post signs reminding customers to practice good hygiene, such as handwashing before receiving services.

- Have fire extinguishers readily available in case of an emergency.

- Educate customers on proper infection control practices.

- Keep a close eye on the barbershop environment and make any necessary adjustments to ensure safety of staff and customers.

By taking these precautionary measures, potential risks in the barbershop can be greatly minimized. It is important to always prioritize safety first when it comes to providing services in a barbershop.

Barbershop Safety Checklist

It is essential for all barbershop owners to understand their local regulations when it comes to safety guidelines. By following these recommendations and having a comprehensive safety plan in place, you can ensure that your business runs smoothly, and customers are safe by practicing the following:


Employees should always keep the workspace clean and tidy. This includes sanitizing stations, tools, and chairs between each customer to prevent cross-contamination.

Proper Hygiene:

Employees should ensure they are washing their hands before and after each service, as well as when changing gloves or aprons.

Personal Protective Equipment:

Employees should always wear the appropriate protective equipment such as gloves, aprons, face masks and eye protection.

Disinfecting Supplies and Tools:

All tools should be disinfected before every use to prevent germs and bacteria from spreading.

Sanitizing Sponges:

Clean sponges, towels and cloths should be used for all services to avoid cross-contamination.

Waste Management:

All waste should be properly disposed of, such as hair clippings and dirty towels/sponges.

Fire Safety:

Barbershops must have proper safety measures in place in the event of a fire. This includes fire extinguishers, smoke alarms and emergency exit.

First Aid Kit:

A first aid kit should be readily available in case of any accidents or injuries.


Barbershops should have proper ventilation to reduce the risk of airborne pathogens spreading from one customer to another. This includes having good air circulation and ventilation systems in place.

If you a barber, you should follow all the safety measure that are mentioned above. But if you are a customer and don’t know what you should do before visiting a Barber then click here.


It is important to have a system in place for reviewing and updating safety practices on a regular basis. This should include updating the checklist as well as training employees on any new safety protocols that may be put in place. Doing so will help ensure that barbershops always remain safe and comfortable environments.



High End Luxury Barber Shop

I’m Roger Wilson, a barber with over 30 years of experience. I’m here to offer you the best advice and share my experiences to boost your hair game.