The Throne Room of God

Highland Church of Christ
3 min readFeb 18, 2016


Close your eyes for a moment and image as best you can an immense expanse with a great throne and on the throne is a being of amazing light. The throne itself even shines and a rainbow encircles your view. Now imagine a circle of smaller thrones around the great throne with kings worshiping He that sits on the great throne along with unimaginable beasts that all worship continually. This is the scene painted for us in Revelation 4.

We cannot fathom the reality of the Throne Scene described in Revelation 4 but it was given to us in human terms to help us understand His glory so that when we come before Him in worship, we can do so with the attitude that God desires. The scene before us helps us to recognize a few things.

1. Beauty.

The most beautiful sunset, starry night or beautiful heart can’t compare to the beauty of God’s presence. Revelation 4:3 talks about a deep beauty of Jasper and a rainbow — things that man can understand. God is the essence of beauty. Think on the glory and wonder of God that you will experience when you meet Him.

2. Exaltation.

This means to be elevated or lifted up like a king on a throne. God is the Kind above all (Psalm 57:5, Isaiah 25:1). Revelation 4:9 describes fantastic creatures before God all humbly praising the King on the throne. Likewise, the elders also on thrones, exalted God. The example for us indicates that we need to give Him first place before all the cares of this life and exalt Him.

3. Holiness is Honored.

In contrast to the crassness and profanity of this life the throne room of God is steeped in holiness. Verse 8 describes the creatures who never cease to say, “holy, holy, holy.” Does God see you recognizing His holiness?

4. Humility.

Do not think more highly of yourself than you should (Romans 12:3). We are just made from dirt and our lives pass like a vapor. The thought of standing before the great throne of an everlasting God should enable a sense of humility. Even the elders before the throne of God fell before Him and cast their crowns before Him. They weren’t fit to wear their crowns before God.

5. Praise.

We gather on Sunday’s to sing songs of praise but is your voice connected to your heart as you sing that praise? The glory of God is above anything in this life (Psalm 148:13). There will come a time when all those who would not confess God in this life will bow before Him. We are created for the praise of God (Revelation 4:11).

6. Worship.

The total and complete adoration of God will be what heaven is like and this makes sense with the understanding that being in the presence of God elicits that response. Not even angels accept worship, knowing that God is the only One worthy of worship. Can you imagine discounting everything near and dear to you in this life to worship God for eternity and loving every moment? We should not assume that we can place God beneath the pleasures of this life and then expect Him to be pleased with us when we come into His presence.

The throne scene helps us to catch a glimpse of the most amazing sight ever so that we can understand the importance of worshiping God in the ways that He desires. When heaven comes it won’t be a surprise if we have spent a lifetime already in worship.

Based on a lesson by Robert Moss

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Highland Church of Christ

Our aim is to serve Him in ways that He desires, learn about God, grow closer to Him and help you discover God for yourself.