Pitch Perfect — HIGH MOBILITY success at the IAA

High Mobility
3 min readSep 27, 2017


HIGH MOBILITY’s Jürgen Mayntz with his fellow finalists and judges at the IAA

We’re very proud to announce our success at The International Motor Show IAA in Frankfurt, Germany last month as part of the New Mobility World Startup Pitch LAB17 contest.

We were excited to be one of five late-stage startups from all over the world to pitch our product and vision for the future of the car industry to a high-calibre jury of investors, journalists and mobility experts, not to mention an audience of enthusiastic motor lovers. Over the course of two days, game-changing ideas were heard from all participants at the event, including HIGH MOBILITY’s very own Jürgen Mayntz.

What is New Mobility World?

New Mobility World offers a global platform to discuss, present and experience future mobility. This unique mobility event brings together innovators, disruptors and mobility players across industries. Over the course of two days some of the team at HIGH MOBILITY were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to hear brilliant and impassioned speeches from tomorrow’s big players in the industry as part of the 2-day NMW Lab17.

The Jury

The jury was made up of a talented and connected group of influencers from the worlds of auto engineering and startups who reviewed and rated each of the short pitches from the participants. The panel included Laura Grimmelmann from Accel Partners; Philipp Hartmann from Index Ventures; Yann de Vries from Atomico; Tanja Kufner from Startupbootcamp Mobility; Holger Weiss from German Autolabs; Orlie Dahan from Ecomotion; Kat Borlonganfrom from Five by Five and Barbara Belvisi from Hardware Club.

Our Pitch

HIGH MOBILITY’s Head of Business Development and Sales, Jürgen Mayntz, spoke to the engaged audience of car enthusiasts and judges about the future of the automobile industry and the value of connected cars for his 4-minute presentation.

Jürgen used his time on the stage to outline the difficulty for app developers in creating one app for many different vehicle models, and the problem car makers have in connecting with communities of app developers. Jürgen then went on to present HIGH MOBILITY as a solution to both of these issues; first of all through our development of software development kits (SDKs) which allows developers to build one app that can be used on multiple car models, and secondly through our nurturing of a global community of auto app developers who can test and further develop their apps on our car emulators, and who can then be connected through HIGH MOBILITY to the car makers themselves.

First prize was awarded to Manuela Rasthofer from Munich-based startup Terraloupe, a data-acquisition startup. Big congratulations to Manuela and her team.

Our Prize

Our prize from Startup Pitch @ NMW Lab 17 sponsor, TechCode, is a roundtrip to China to visit TechCode’s Connected Mobility Cluster near Beijing, a fantastic opportunity which we are excited to be taking up in the near future.

We’d like to thank TechCode for the prize, and of course The International Motor Show IAA and New Mobility World for organizing and hosting such a great event for startups in the space. We look forward to coming back next year. Great work everyone!

