How To Wake Up Happy: 3 Can’t-Fail Techniques You Can Use

Kosio Angelov
3 min readApr 23, 2015

Your motivation is so important that you cannot just leave it to chance. You need to schedule it.

A happy person is a productive person.


True happiness and motivation take work. You cannot just hope that you are going to wake up happy and excited every single day. You need to arm yourself with the right tools and take ownership of your own happiness.

Here are 3 no-nonsense techniques you can start using today:

1. Write Down 3 Things You Are Grateful For

As soon as you are awake and alert enough, take a few minutes and write down 3 things that you are grateful for. Take out a piece a paper and just jot them down.

This will force you (in a good) way to start your day thinking about the good things in your life.

Don’t over-think it. It does not have to be perfect.

You can be grateful for having a great family, that your team won the night before or that you don’t have to go to work because it is Sunday. Nothing is too big or too small.

A pen, a piece of paper and a little bit of gratitude will put a smile on your face in just a few minutes every single morning.

2. Send A “Thank You” Note

Who in your social circle deserves a heartfelt “thank you”?

Your family? Your assistant that gets your coffee just perfect every morning? The barista at the local Starbucks that lights up your day with that big smile?

Think of one person whom you are thankful to, write down a quick “thank you” note and send it to them. It will make you feel great and just imagine how the other person would feel? They open their email expecting to see work stuff and they see a short message that says “hey, you are awesome, thank you for X”. Win-win for everyone!

3. Start Your Browser With Inspiration

What do you have as the home page of your favorite internet browser?

Nothing? Your email? Your most recently-visited pages?


What if you put something super exciting instead?

A great motivational video. An exhilarating view of your favorite dream destination. Your favorite quote from your favorite wise person.

This will give you an extra kick of motivation, determination and happiness every time you open a new tab or a new window on your browser. Boom!

These are 3 super-simple techniques that will put a smile on your face every single day. They are easy, quick to implement, and deliver great happiness and joy.

Now, go put them to use, see how great they make you feel and smile, it is a gorgeous day today!

Read the full story and get more productivity training here.

Kosio Angelov is the #1 Amazon bestselling author of the “Lean Email Simple System” and a master trainer in the art of “doing the right things, the right way”.

Follow him on Medium, subscribe to his “Successful By Design” productivity show on YouTube and learn how to break the busyness bubble, achieve exponential productivity and live life by design, not by default.



Kosio Angelov

Reader, Author, Doer, Entrepreneur, Techie, Tea addict. Trying to make the world a happier place through increased productivity and performance.