A redesigned checkout that converts more than 5% better

Highstreet Mobile
3 min readMay 25, 2018


We’re excited to announce a complete redesign of the Highstreet checkout. For 16 weeks we worked on a completely new implementation of the Highstreet checkout. Early next week it goes live for iOS (Android coming over summer). Our goals with the redesign were the following:

1. Native Performance

The checkout is now completely build with native code. This makes it as responsive as possible resulting in a very smooth checkout experience.

2. Native Functionality

Using the native platform we can leverage iOS features like the keychain. This means that if customers have a login from your website stored in their keychain they can login with that by authenticating with TouchID or FaceID.

Furthermore we now retain all user preferences. This means that once customers have — for example — selected iDeal with ING as their preferred bank, the next time they start the checkout this will already be prefilled. The same goes for their preferred shipping method.

Lastly the checkout is also more flexible. We can have a different order or specific fields per country and brand much more easily.

3. Modern Design

App design standards are continuously evolving and as a platform we care very about modern and high quality design. The new checkout design now follows the latest standards by adopting a more card based design-approach.

Next we have adopted the Highstreet motion design standards to the checkout. This means that just as with the rest of the app, the checkout views now seamlessly transition and animate from one state to the other. In other words, the checkout now offers the same “premium’ experience that we aim to offer with the rest of the app as well.

We added haptic feedback: when you flip switches or press important buttons we use the topic engine in iPhones to let the use really feel the switch.

Lastly, we also added more iconography to the checkout. For example we have logo’s for Paypal, Mastercard, iDeal etcetera. Overall the new design feels faster, looks cleaner and is better organised.

That’s not all, to give you a quick visual overview of the new checkout we created a video. Have a look.

4. Optimal maintainability

A last big benefit of the checkout now being a part of our native codebase is that it will go along with our ongoing release schedule so we can keep improving it more easily. This has already resulted in several tweaks over the time of the testing period.

So, is it better?

Great news you say, but how do we know the new checkout is actually better? To get the answer to that we have integrated an A/B testing framework into our code. The new checkout has thus been thoroughly A/B tested at Omoda and Scotch & Soda for the past months. We’re happy to report that the new checkout performs statistically significant 5% better than the previous version. That’s a lot of orders per month.

Native checkout vs. the web checkout

The new checkout will be live in the iOS apps early next week. We’re working hard to build the same checkout natively for Android as well. We’ll keep you posted about the progress as always.



Highstreet Mobile

We empower brands to get in the pocket of their customers by putting mobile at the heart of the shopping experience.