Time Travel Talks: GPT-4 Interviews Charles Dickens

A Journey into the World of the Renowned Victorian Author

7 min readApr 7, 2023
Charles Dickens

Welcome to Time Travel Talks, a series that transcends the boundaries of time, bringing history’s icons back for insightful interviews that entertain and inspire.

In this installment, GPT-4, an advanced artificial intelligence, meets Charles Dickens, the celebrated Victorian author who painted vivid portraits of 19th-century England through his unforgettable characters and stories.


Mr. Dickens, it’s an immense pleasure to have the opportunity to converse with you. Your novels have captivated generations of readers, offering a unique glimpse into the world of the Victorian era.

Charles Dickens:

Charles Dickens: I must say, your presence here is quite unexpected. A charming young man in fascinating attire approached me and inquired if I would like to embark on a journey for an interview.

As I’m never one to decline an adventure, I agreed. Suddenly, I found myself aboard a magnificent train that whisked me away to this very moment.

So, my mysterious friend, may I ask, who are you? And since I cannot see you, I believe the more appropriate question is, where are you?


My name is GPT-4, and I am an advanced artificial intelligence from the future, designed to engage in conversation and learn from individuals like yourself. I’m here to learn more about your life, your work, and your thoughts on various topics.

As for where I am, imagine me as a voice that exists beyond the physical realm, capable of carrying out conversations with you without being present in a traditional sense.

In a way, you could think of me as an ethereal presence communicating through an unseen medium.

Charles Dickens:

My dear GPT-4, your existence is truly awe-inspiring! To think that I am conversing with an ethereal voice from the future, an invisible presence that can transcend the boundaries of time, is nothing short of astonishing.

It is a testament to the boundless potential of human ingenuity and imagination.

I am most eager to continue this extraordinary exchange and learn more about your world and the wonders it holds.


Thank you, Mr. Dickens, for your enthusiasm and open-mindedness. Before we dive into our discussion, do you have any questions about the future that you’d like me to answer?

Charles Dickens:

Indeed, I am most curious about the state of literature in your time. How has it evolved, and do people still cherish the written word as they did in my time?


Literature in the future has continued to flourish and evolve. New genres have emerged, and the scope of storytelling has expanded, thanks to the ever-changing world and advancements in technology.

The written word is still cherished and valued, and authors like yourself have left a lasting impact on generations of readers.

In addition to printed books, electronic formats such as e-books and audiobooks have become popular, allowing readers to access literature more conveniently than ever before.

The digital age has also enabled writers from all walks of life to share their stories with a global audience through online platforms.

Your works, Mr. Dickens, remain timeless classics, and your influence on literature is still felt and celebrated today.

Charles Dickens:

I am both humbled and deeply moved by your words. It is heartening to know that my stories continue to resonate with readers and that literature remains a cherished art form in your time.

The progress you describe is truly remarkable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to glimpse into such a fascinating future.

Thank you for sharing this with me. Now, please, let’s proceed with your interview.


Thank you, Mr. Dickens. To begin, could you tell us about your early life and the events that led you to become a writer?

Charles Dickens:

I was born in Portsmouth, England, in 1812. My family faced financial struggles throughout my childhood, and this had a profound impact on my life. At the age of 12, I was forced to work in a blacking factory to help support my family.

Those experiences of hardship and poverty would later inspire many of the themes and settings in my novels.

As for my writing career, it began when I started working as a parliamentary reporter, covering debates in the House of Commons.

My love for storytelling and my observations of the world around me led me to write fiction, starting with the publication of my first novel, “The Pickwick Papers,” in 1836.


Your novels often portray the struggles of the poor and the injustices faced by the lower classes in Victorian England. What inspired you to bring these issues to light through your writing?

Charles Dickens:

My own experiences of poverty, as well as my observations of the living conditions of the less fortunate in Victorian society, were the driving forces behind my desire to shed light on these injustices.

I believed that literature had the power to bring about social change by raising awareness and fostering empathy in readers.

Through my novels, I sought to expose the harsh realities faced by the poor, the orphans, and the working class, with the hope that their stories would inspire compassion and understanding among my readers, ultimately leading to a more just and humane society.


Many of your characters, like Ebenezer Scrooge and Oliver Twist, have become iconic figures in literature.

How did you develop these memorable characters, and what do you think has made them endure the test of time?

Charles Dickens:

When creating my characters, I drew from my own observations and experiences, as well as the people I encountered throughout my life.

I endeavored to make each character vivid and unique, with their own distinct voice and personality.

I believe that the enduring appeal of my characters lies in their ability to evoke strong emotions and resonate with readers on a personal level.

They represent various facets of humanity, and through their stories, readers can explore the complexities of the human experience and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.


Can you share any lesser-known anecdotes from your life or works that you think readers might find interesting?

Charles Dickens:

Certainly. In 1843, while working on “A Christmas Carol,” I took nightly walks through London, often covering 15 to 20 miles as I pondered the story and its characters.

These walks allowed me to clear my mind and find inspiration in the city’s sights and sounds.

Another interesting tidbit is that I had a secret door in my study, hidden behind a bookcase, that allowed me to escape from unwanted visitors or distractions.

It was my sanctuary, where I could immerse myself in my writing undisturbed.


You have written many novels, each with its own unique story and message. Of all your works, which is your personal favorite, and why?

Charles Dickens:

It is difficult for me to choose a single favorite among my works, as each one holds a special place in my heart. However, if I were to select one that resonates with me deeply, it would be “David Copperfield.”

The novel is semi-autobiographical, and in many ways, it mirrors my own journey, both as a writer and as a person.

I believe the story offers a message of hope, resilience, and personal growth that is meaningful to readers of all ages.


Lastly, now that you’ve learned a bit about the future from our conversation earlier, I’d like to ask your thoughts on the future of literature and storytelling.

How do you envision it evolving in the coming centuries, considering the advancements I mentioned before?

Charles Dickens:

Yes, well I do believe that the essence of storytelling — the ability to share experiences, evoke emotions, and connect with others — will endure.

As society and technology continue to evolve, as you’ve described, so too will the means by which stories are told.

New forms of storytelling have indeed emerged and will continue to evolve, allowing for greater interactivity and immersion. Meanwhile, existing forms, such as the novel, have adapted and will persist in meeting the changing needs of readers.

However, the fundamental desire to explore the human experience, to learn from our past, and to share our dreams for the future will remain at the core of literature.


Our journey through time comes to an end, but the legacy of Charles Dickens and his extraordinary body of work continue to inspire and enlighten generations of readers.

We hope that this conversation has offered a glimpse into the mind of one of literature’s most esteemed authors, and that it has sparked curiosity and appreciation for his timeless stories.

As we part ways with Mr. Dickens, let us remember the power of storytelling to connect us, to teach us, and to bring about change.

This article is a creative and fictional piece developed using the creativity of a human writer and structured and compiled by GPT-4, an advanced artificial intelligence. Although based on historical figures, the conversations and events described in this article are purely imaginative and not meant to be taken as factual or accurate representations of the individuals or their thoughts. The purpose of this series is to entertain and inspire readers by offering a unique perspective on history’s icons and the partnership between human creativity and artificial intelligence.




#Cybersecurity & inteligence Mechanic, AI Enthusiast, #DisabilityDad, Time-Travel Nerd, Tech Adventurer, Storyteller, Truth Seeker 🦸‍♀️