Troubleshooting Ubuntu 19.10 Frozen Installation on Virtual Box

4 min readMar 25, 2020

Setting up my laptop for Operating Systems Class

My professor recommended everyone in the class to use Virtual Box and Ubuntu.

I used Mac with macOS Catalina version 10.15.3 and followed this tutorial that he also provided us with.

Fixing Oracle VM Virtual Box Installation Failure

It was all good at this point.

Double click the pkg and run the application from the Application Folder. Then, I kept clicking “continue”. Waited for a while. and this screen appeared.

I found a really good Medium article for fixing this issue.

Apparently, many people face the same issue. The above article covers a lot of solutions. Mine got fixed with the 1st solution in the article.

Fixing Ubuntu Installation Freeze/Crush

I kept following the same tutorial.

I created a new machine

I set the memory size as 2048 MB as recommended in the article.

I left the options as they are.

Once I finished making the new machine, this screen popped up.

Then, this screen showed up.

I followed the tutorial and keep clicking the buttons and all.

Once I got to this screen,

I clicked “Continue”, but the button did not respond. The circle-shaped loading sign stopped circulating and I immediately knew that the machine got frozen.

I tried removing the machine, re-creating it, and reinstalling ubuntu, but the installation always got frozen at some point. Sometimes it was after the above screen when it said “Copying Files”

After a bunch of googling, I figured I need to change the machine’s setting.

There were many things that were recommended for a try

  • Change a number of CPUs from 1 to 2 or 3 or 4
  • Enable/Disable PAE/NX
  • Change Paravirtualization Interface from Default to Minimal, or Legacy to Default
  • Disable 3D Accelerator

None of them worked in my case.

After a lot of tries and errors, I finally made it work by doubling the base memory size from 2048 MB to 4096 MB.

Once I completed the installation, the machine asked me to restart it.

I restarted the machine and saw this screen.

Success!! Now I can log in and be done with the installation.

Thank you for reading :)

Clap this article, if you find it helpful.

Have a great day!




A confused Economist who does software engineering. SWE Intern @