Poor Mental Health

Ayyan Chaudhary
3 min readNov 11, 2023


Signs Of Having A Poor Mental Health
In the current culture, the value of living is so
materialized and our minds are driven out of there
lane so that we dont even know if we are having a
good mental health. Here are some signs which you
might being facing right now:

Poor Physique

Poor Physical Health Leads To Poor Mental Health
too, If You Start working on your physical health your
mental health will improve itself. Working out gives
you a sense of discipline and responsibility which will
help in improving your weak mindset.
~A Sound Body Has A Sound Mind!


Overthinking is the main root cause of destruction of
happiness. This may be due to a misfortune that
happened some time ago but you need to get over it
to improve your mental health.
You need to get aware of your thoughts and focus
on controlling them. If you are not aware of your
thoughts, you lose focus while doing anything, your
insecurities mess up with your brain, you really need
to work on your mental health.

Constant Mood Swings

Majority of the people have no control over their
emotions whether it’s their love for another or hatred
towards anyone. They can be intrigued very easily
because they show their emotions more. This is due
to bad lifestyle that causes hormonal imbalances
thus causing mood swings and poor mental health.
~Control Your Emotions Or They Will Control You!

Irregular Sleep Pattern

You don’t have a healthy sleeping routine. Your sleep quality is messed up and you are not really deeply evolved in your sleep. Not having a same routine on daily basis will help your brain to rest more rather than having different routines and staying late at night and waking up late.

Lack Of Motivation

Do you often get the feeling of….”I don’t feel like doing this or I’ll do it later, am not in a mod to do it”. That’s Lack Of Motivation, People are not even motivated to do healthy activities in their daily life because it just seems to hard.
The Modern Culture have fed us so much pleasure, we don’t even know the real meaning of pleasure, we are always in a comfort state.
This is a major sign of Poor Mental Health when you don’t want to or like doing things which your forefathers did on a daily basis!

If you are dealing with any of such symptoms, you should definitely start working on your mental health.



Ayyan Chaudhary

~Pluviophile ~Self Improvement ~Masculinity ~Mental Health ~Phycology