Grand Launching COMPFEST 15: Welcoming a Series of Insightful Events

Muhammad Hilal Darul Fauzan
Published in
5 min readJun 9, 2023

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COMPFEST 15, Depok — COMPFEST 15’s Grand Launching took place on Saturday, May 20, 2023. The event was held virtually and could be watched live through the official COMPFEST Youtube channel. It was opened with an introduction to Virtual Playground which could be accessed through the official COMPFEST website. The Grand Launching was enthusiastically hosted by Dhafin Kamal and Salma Kurnia as the MCs.


After the opening remarks by the MCs, the event continued with a welcoming session. The first speech was delivered by Dr. Petrus Mursanto, the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science UI. Then, a speech was given by Narpati Pradana, the Head of Iluni Fasilkom UI. Next, a speech was delivered by Mika Suryofakhri Rahwono, the Chairman of BEM Fasilkom UI. Lastly, remarks were delivered by Syafiqo Arashy Octaviano, the COMPFEST 15 Project Officer.

After the welcoming session, the event continued with Keynote Speeches delivered by well-known figures in Indonesia. These figures are Sandiaga Uno, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, Dharma Simorangkir, the President Director at Microsoft Indonesia, Teuku Muda Nanta, the EGM Digital Connectivity Service at Telkom Indonesia , and Edy Susanto Lim, the Senior Manager Technical Product Specialist at NVIDIA. The presence of these figures provides a broader understanding of digital transformation and the latest technology.

With warm welcomes and keynote speeches from them, the Grand Launching of COMPFEST 15 has officially begun!

The Grand Launching event continued with a Talkshow that discussed interesting topics related to the latest technology. Want to know more about the excitement? Let’s read this article to find out more details about the Grand Launching of COMPFEST 15.


The Talkshow at this year’s COMPFEST Grand Launching focused on the fascinating topic of AI (Artificial Intelligence) with the title, “Exploring the AI Universe: Get to Know More About ChatGPT”. This Talkshow presentend two speakers who have experiences and were ready to share their insights regarding the field of AI. These two speakers were Wahyu Wrehasnaya, COO and Co-Founder of, and Muhammad Angga Muttaqien, CEO and Co-Founder Indonesia AI. This Talkshow was moderated by Fathia Prinastiti Sunarso, S.Kom., M.Si, who guided the discussion throughout the Talkshow.

The Talkshow began with the moderator and both speakers introducing themselves. Then, Wahyu and Angga shared their perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to Wahyu, artificial intelligence is an algorithm that mimics human behavior with the aim of enhancing effectiveness in completing tasks. Meanwhile, Angga described artificial intelligence as algorithms based on ideas or concepts from scientists on how machines close to us can possess better intelligence. Angga and Wahyu also shared their career experiences in the field of AI with TechOvers. Both of them see artificial intelligence as something with great potential and the ability to have an impact in various sectors.

The talk show then continued by discussing interesting things related to ChatGPT. Angga said that ChatGPT has become a popular technology because it allows its users to ask questions and quickly receive answers to their queries. OpenAI is considered to be able to take advantage of the existing momentum in releasing ChatGPT to the public and providing free access to its users. Wahyu also shared his opinion that ChatGPT has become popular because it helps people who are not specialists in a particular field to quickly obtain the information they need, even though the answers may not always be entirely correct.

During the Talkshow, the participants showed high enthusiasm in participating in the Q&A session. One interesting question raised was regarding AI’s continuous development and its potential to replace human jobs. Wahyu responded that AI technology is indeed helpful for individuals who are not well-versed in the field of technology. However, decision-making aspects such as guidance, quality, and capabilities still rely on human involvement. Angga added that as humans, we need to continuously develop ourselves and learn beyond what we have already acquired. In the question and answer session, the speakers also answered other questions and provided a clearer understanding to TechOvers regarding AI technology. After the end of the question and answer session, it indicated that the COMPFEST 15 Grand Launching Talkshow had ended.

End of Event

Before the Grand Launching of COMPFEST 15 was officially closed, Dhafin and Salma as the MCs shared information and invited TechOvers to participate in the COMPFEST virtual playground. This virtual playground offered exciting prizes, with a grand prize worth three million Rupiah. After conveying this information, the Grand Launching of COMPFEST 15 was officially closed by the MCs. Even though the Grand Launching of COMPFEST 15 is over, we had the opportunity to interview Angga. Curious about the interview? Keep reading this article to find out more!

Interview Session

In the interview session, Angga shared his views on the phenomenon of ChatGPT’s popularity. He sees ChatGPT as an intelligent technology that is rapidly evolving and capturing the attention of many people, including those outside the IT field. Angga also talked about the development of AI and its impact on Indonesian society. He mentioned that there is a positive trend in AI that influences almost every sector in Indonesia, making AI have a massive impact in accelerating industries.

One thing that was interesting in this interview was that Angga gave tips for TechOvers to have a successful career in the field of AI. He mentioned that to succeed in the field of AI, it is important to maintain an open mindset towards advancements in science and engineering, as well as possess strong skills in research and project management.

It was an honor for us to interview the CEO who is also a Co-Founder of Indonesia AI. Thank you to Angga for taking the time to participate in this interview session. Hopefully, this interview will provide TechOvers with a broader view of artificial intelligence.

This Grand Launching event is the beginning of COMPFEST 15. Don’t miss out on the upcoming events of COMPFEST 15! Stay updated with the latest information about COMPFEST through our social media channels on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and the website and take part in other exciting events! (Editorial Marketing/Hilal)

