The Silicon Valley Space Race

Your grandkids may one day be waking up in space — Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Richard Branson want to get them there

Murto Hilali
The Startup
Published in
10 min readMay 25, 2019


Photo by NASA on Unsplash. Hopefully, this will not be one of your grandkids in space.

Unpopular opinion: the Star Wars movies are kind of overrated.

Now wait, before 95% of you click away, hear me out. I understand they were marvels of filmmaking when they first came out, and hold up to this day (except for the part where Leia kisses Luke to get at Han — 😬😬)

But Star Wars paints a picture of an advanced multi-planetary civilization, where interplanetary travel is commonplace and alliances are formed between galaxies, not countries.

Star Wars might take place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but that vision might end up a reality in our future sooner than you think.

We’ve been obsessed with space since foreeeever.

It holds an important place in numerous ancient world mythologies, it governed the lives of entire civilizations, detailed astronomical records have…



Murto Hilali
The Startup

22-y/o tech enthusiast/work in progress. All things business and biotech. More at