Everything About Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)

Hilarion Dinga
4 min readFeb 20, 2023

What Is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cryptographic assets on a block chain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other.

Unlike cryptocurrencies, they cannot be traded or exchanged at equivalency. This differs from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies, which are identical to each other and, therefore, can serve as a medium for commercial transactions.

NFTs in the Real and Virtual World

NFTs can also democratize investing by fractionalizing physical assets like real estate. It is much easier to divide a digital real estate asset among multiple owners than a physical one. That tokenization ethic need not be constrained to real estate; it can extend to other assets, such as artwork. Thus, a painting need not always have a single owner. Its digital equivalent can have multiple owners, each responsible for a fraction of the painting. Such arrangements could increase its worth and revenues.

The most exciting possibility for NFTs lies in creating new markets and forms of investment. Consider a piece of real estate parceled into multiple divisions, each containing different characteristics and property types. One of the divisions might be next to a beach, another is in an entertainment complex, and yet another is a residential district. Depending on its characteristics, each piece of land is unique, priced differently, and represented with an NFT. Real estate trading, a complex and bureaucratic affair, can be simplified by incorporating relevant metadata into each unique NFT.

Decentraland, a virtual reality platform on Ethereum’s blockchain, has already implemented such a concept. As NFTs become more sophisticated and integrated into the financial infrastructure, it may become possible to implement the same concept of tokenized pieces of land (differing in value and location) in the physical world.

What Are Some Examples of Non-Fungible Tokens?

#thedap Day 365 piece of art realised by Hilarion as part of his ART IS LIFE NFT Collection
#thedap DAY 365

Non-fungible tokens can digitally represent any asset, including online-only assets like digital artwork and real assets such as real estate. Other examples of the assets that NFTs can represent include in-game items like avatars, digital and non-digital collectibles, domain names, and event tickets.

Are NFTs Safe?

Non-fungible tokens, which use block chain technology just like cryptocurrency, are generally secure. The distributed nature of block chains makes NFTs difficult (although not impossible) to hack. One security risk for NFTs is that you could lose access to your non-fungible token if the platform hosting the NFT goes out of business.

What Does Non-Fungible Mean?

Fungibility is an economic term that describes the interchangeability of certain goods. For example, a barrel of oil is fungible (interchangeable/indistinguishable) from any other barrel of oil. A dollar bill, likewise, is equal to any other dollar bill (or 4 quarters, etc.). Non-fungible is to render such items unique or distinguishable. For instance, if you were to take a dollar bill and have it drawn on and signed by a famous artist, it would become unique — unlike all other dollar bills, and perhaps worth more than its face value.

10 Minutes Art

“10 MINUTES ARTS — Art is Life NFT Collection” by Hilarion is art diary in the digital age, like a poet, the artist sketches his emotions through figures and shapes, “The DAP” is the personal diary of an artist who shares his creative process with you on a daily basis through his rainbow of emotions. The Book is a portfoglio of my Art from Day 0 to Day 180.

“The DAP” is a daily art project by Hilarion that encourages creativity in just 10 minutes. It is an art diary that showcases each creative process live-streamed on YouTube and listed as an NFT on Rarible.

Get this amazing soon!




Hilarion Dinga

I am a visual artist working on digital art Project #thedap where I paint daily for 10 mins. Follow me on Twitter @hilarion_d for more...