
Thank you. You make excellent points and I will keep them in mind. I didn't know much about NPD or covert narcissism. Now, I wonder how I missed it all. I think, for me, my rational mind and my heart were not communicating. I recognized behaviors and made excuses, gave passes. Someone said no one will ever love you like a covert narcissist and that was true for me. He knew how to fullfill my deepest longing for love. His love bombing was as addictive as heroin. After he knew he had me, things obviously changed. We had many talks about my feeling devalued, as I tried to understand what was happening. I was lucky that I had a therapist who understood covert narcissism. I escaped several years ago and am still recovering.



Hillary Gauvreau Oat

I am a late blooming author living by the sea in Connecticut. It's About Time, a novel, available now on Amazon.